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Q: What is a scale of 12090000 regarded as?
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What is the hourly wage of a retail worker in London?

Much would depend on the type of shop and how highly the worker was regarded, and the scale of responsibilities.

How accurate is an Seca 354 electric baby scale?

The Seca 354 Electric Baby Scale is considered to be very accurate. It contains many luxury features and is generally regarded as one of the best baby scales.

Is it regarded as or regarded to be?

both are correct.

Why is kelvin scale regarded better than Celsius scale?

The Kelvin scale is regarded as better than the Celsius scale because it is an absolute temperature scale that starts at absolute zero, where molecular movement ceases. This makes Kelvin more suitable for scientific calculations and eliminates negative temperature values found in Celsius. Additionally, the Kelvin scale directly correlates with the ideal gas law and other scientific principles.

Chinese regarded foreigners to be?

Chinese regarded foreigners to be uncivilized, primitive, and inferior to themselves.

Is coal on the Mohs scale of hardness?

Yes, coal is not officially assigned a Mohs hardness value as it is not a mineral. However, coal is generally regarded as a relatively soft material compared to most minerals, and can be easily scratched with a fingernail or copper coin, which are examples of materials with hardness ratings lower than 2.5 on the Mohs scale.

How were Jews regarded in Elizabethan times?

Christians regarded Jews with suspicion.

What state is regarded as a gateway to the south?

Kentucky is regarded as the Gateway to the South.

Why is an erthworm regarded as an invertebrate regarded as an invertebrate?

Because a earthworm has a backbone.

What is the past participle of regard?

The past participle of "regard" is "regarded."

What was regarded by Native Americans as the source of life?

They regarded LAND as the source of life.