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Q: What is a salaxige made up of?
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What's the salaxige composed of?

Salaxige is composed of prayer, dedication, and offerings according to Bon religion practiced in Tibet. It is a sacred ritual aimed at pacifying negative energies and invoking blessings from deities.

Is Eris made up of gas or rock?

it is mostly made up of rock

Fungi cell walls are made up of what?

They are made up of mostly Chitin.

What kind of tissues made up of?

The septa is made up of adipose tissue

The ribosome is made up of what kind of molecules?

Ribosomes are made up of Proteins and RNA.

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What's the salaxige composed of?

Salaxige is composed of prayer, dedication, and offerings according to Bon religion practiced in Tibet. It is a sacred ritual aimed at pacifying negative energies and invoking blessings from deities.

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