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sound waves are pressure waves that can push a thin membrane in a microphone. that membrane is attached to a magnet that moves through a loop of wires called a solenoid. the motion of a magnetic field moving through a solenoid generates an electric current (an electro-magnetic wave)

that signal can be transported down a wire and re-interpreted at another telephone.

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3mo ago

Electromagnetic waves are used to transmit information in the form of radio, TV, cell phone, and wifi signals. These waves can travel long distances through air or space, and their properties allow for efficient and reliable communication between different devices. The ability to modulate these waves with information allows us to send and receive data quickly and wirelessly.

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11y ago

That depends on what means of communication you choose.

-- If you choose verbal conversation with someone else in the same room, or

a wired local area telephone call, or jungle drums, or a ram's horn or brass bugle,

or a Greek chorus, town crier, or troubador, or a voice recording on a physical

medium that will be shipped to the other party, then electromagnetic waves have

no part at all in your communication.

-- If you choose to communicate in writing, or in American Sign Language, or with

semaphore or heliostat, or through a coded obituary notice in the local newspaper,

or by hanging lanterns in the belfry, then the other party is certain to use waves of

visible light to decode your message.

-- If you communicate by cellular telephone, or by long-distance wired telephone,

or by walkie-talkie, or over a WiFi connection to the internet, or on TV, then your

communication depends entirely on radio waves.

-- If you communicate with your partner or your family in the form of a hastily-prepared

gourmet dinner, then the efficacy of your message might depend on microwaves.

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Why acoustic waves concept is used instead of electromagnetic waves in under water communication?

Acoustic waves are used in underwater communication because they can travel long distances in water due to lower absorption and scattering compared to electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves, are quickly absorbed by water, limiting their range and effectiveness for underwater communication. Acoustic waves are also less affected by obstacles and can penetrate through water more effectively.

How can the command centre communicate with the space ship in space if outer space is a vacuum?

Communication signals can travel through space using radio waves, which can pass through a vacuum. The command center on Earth can send signals to the spaceship, which can receive them using specialized communication equipment on board. This allows for real-time communication between Earth and the spacecraft in space.

Waves made by vibrating charges that can travEl without a medium are called?

Electromagnetic waves.

What is the reason for ultrasonic waves not being in the form of electromagnetic waves?

Ultrasonic waves are mechanical waves that require a medium (such as air, water, or solids) to travel through, unlike electromagnetic waves which can propagate through a vacuum. Ultrasonic waves involve the vibrations of particles in the medium, whereas electromagnetic waves involve oscillating electric and magnetic fields.

How does the electromagnetic spectrum work?

The electromagnetic spectrum consists of various types of electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. These waves differ in their wavelengths and frequencies. Each type of wave interacts with matter in different ways, allowing us to use them for various applications such as communication, imaging, and heating.

Related questions

Which kinds of electromagnetic waves are used for communication?

Electromagnetic waves used for communication include radio waves, microwaves, and light waves (in the form of lasers). These waves are commonly used in technologies such as radio communication, satellite communication, Wi-Fi, and fiber optic communication.

What are Electromagnetic waves used in broadcasting are called?

Electromagnetic waves used in broadcasting are called radio waves. They are used to transmit signals for radio, television, and communication systems.

How do you use electromagnetic wave in a sentence?

Solar flares emit electromagnetic waves.The electromagnetic wave interrupted cellular phone communications.Satellites can be damaged by electromagnetic waves.

What role electromagnetic waves play in your lives?

Electromagnetic waves play a crucial role in our lives by enabling various technologies such as communication (radio waves, microwaves), transportation (radar), medical imaging (X-rays, MRI), and power generation (electricity). They are also used in everyday devices like cell phones, Wi-Fi, and remote controls. However, overexposure to certain electromagnetic waves, such as UV rays from the sun or X-rays, can be harmful to our health.

What electromagnetic waves have the longest wavelength and lowest frequency?

Radio waves have the longest wavelength and lowest frequency among electromagnetic waves. They are used for communication, broadcasting, and radar systems.

Do satellites use electromagnetic waves for communication?

Yes. We call the waves "radio".

What types of waves are used for communication?

electromagnetic waves they are basically used by all types only some have different names and are a type of it Like wireless is : Hertzian waves (electromagnetic waves) well the elctormagnetic waves can smd!

What are three advantages of an electromagnetic?

Speed: Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light, making them extremely fast for transmitting information. Long range: Electromagnetic waves can propagate over long distances without the need for a physical medium, allowing for wireless communication. Versatility: Electromagnetic waves can be easily modulated for different applications such as radio communication, radar, and medical imaging.

How does communication travel from earth to the moon?

Through the electromagnetic spectrum, specifically radio waves.

What is a positive effect of electromagnetic waves?

One positive effect of electromagnetic waves is their use in communication technologies such as radio, television, and cell phones, which allow for long-distance communication in real time. Electromagnetic waves are also used in medical imaging techniques like X-rays and MRI to diagnose and treat various health conditions.

In what ways are sound waves and electromagnetic waves different?

Sound waves require a medium to travel through, while electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum. Sound waves are mechanical waves that require particles to propagate, while electromagnetic waves are made up of oscillating electric and magnetic fields. Sound waves are slower than electromagnetic waves and are typically used for communication over short distances, while electromagnetic waves can travel long distances at the speed of light.

What are 3 things that electromagnetic waves help us today?

Communication: Electromagnetic waves enable wireless communication technologies like cell phones, Wi-Fi, and radio. Medical imaging: Electromagnetic waves are used in technologies such as X-rays, MRIs, and PET scans for diagnostic imaging. Remote sensing: Electromagnetic waves are used in satellites and radar systems for weather forecasting, geographic mapping, and monitoring of natural disasters.