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A rock containing organic debris is called a sedimentary rock. This type of rock forms from the accumulation and compression of organic materials like plant and animal remains. Over time, these organic materials become compacted and cemented together to form a rock.

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Q: What is a rock containing organic debris?
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Soils with high clay content would have the best resistance to wind erosion because the fine particles tend to stick together, forming stable aggregates that are less likely to be blown away by wind. Additionally, soils with good vegetation cover can also help reduce wind erosion by holding the soil in place with their roots.

Is coal an inorganic rock?

Coal is not a rock, but rather a sedimentary organic rock that forms from plant debris. It is comprised of organic matter like carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, making it different from inorganic rocks which are formed from non-living materials.

What are organic debris?

Organic debris are debris in nature that have come to be from plants and animals that live in the ecosystem. For example, a destroyed tree from lightning that has died and is decomposing, this is considered to cause organic debris.

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What type of rock forms when material from dead plants and animals is deposited and hardens into rock?

Sedimentary rock, specifically organic sedimentary rock like coal or limestone, forms from the accumulation and compaction of remains from dead plants and animals over time. These materials can include organic matter such as shells, bones, and plant debris.

What is an organic biogenic sedimentary rock - basalt coal sandstone or conglomerate?

Basalt is an organic biogenic sedimentary rock that forms from the cooling of magma. It is not coal, sandstone, or conglomerate, which are sedimentary rocks formed from the accumulation and cementation of organic debris, sand particles, and mixed rock fragments respectively.

What are some examples of organic rock?

Examples of organic rocks include coal, which forms from compressed plant material, and limestone, which can contain fossilized remains of marine organisms like shells or coral. Another example is chalk, composed mainly of microscopic shells from plankton.

What is lampblack Is it organic?

it is carbom containing material and is organic

What is an organic substance?

An organic is something containing carbon.

What is other name for rock debris?

Another name for rock debris is rubble.

Where did the name Organic chemistry come from?

organic refers to all molecules containing carbon.. organic chemistry is the study of all carbon containing molecules