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A rigid brittle rock is called a "fault rock". This type of rock typically forms along fault lines due to the intense pressure and tectonic forces acting on it, leading to its rigid and brittle nature.

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Q: What is a rigid brittle rock called?
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What is brittled rock called?


What is rigid brittle rock called?

Rigid brittle rock is called "brittle rock," which fractures easily under stress without significant deformation. Examples include basalt, granite, and shale.

What substance is the lithosphere made of?

Rigid, brittle rock.

Is igneous rock rigid and brittle?

Igneous rock is typically rigid and strong due to the interlocking nature of its mineral crystals. However, its brittleness can vary depending on factors such as mineral composition, texture, and cooling rate during formation. In general, igneous rock can fracture along existing planes but can also deform plastically under high pressure and temperature conditions.

What is the zone of rigid brittle rock that the crust and the uppper layer of the mantle?

The zone of rigid, brittle rock that makes up the outermost layer of Earth is called the lithosphere. It includes the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle, and is divided into tectonic plates that move and interact with each other. Beneath the lithosphere lies the asthenosphere, which is a more ductile and deformable region of the upper mantle.

What is the crust and brittle upper mantle called?

Earth's crust and brittle upper mantle is called the lithosphere.

Is a window rigid and brittle?

A window is not typically rigid but can be brittle if it is made of glass. Glass is a brittle material that can shatter easily upon impact. Other window materials, such as plastic or acrylic, may be more flexible and less likely to break.

What is another opposite word for flexible?

inflexible, unyielding, rigid, brittle

The crust and the uper mantle make up a zone of brittle rock called?


What is the rigid layer of rock in of crust called?

The rigid layer of rock in the Earth's crust is called the lithosphere. It is made up of the crust and the outermost part of the mantle, and it is divided into tectonic plates that float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath them.

What is the lithosphere's texture?

The lithosphere has a rigid texture, made up of the Earth's crust and the upper portion of the mantle. It is composed of solid rock that can vary in thickness and density across different regions of the Earth.

Which layer of earth is thin rigid rock layer?

it is the crust because the crust is thin and rigid with rock