

What is a red road in maps?

Updated: 10/19/2022
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10y ago

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On a UK Ordnance Survey map, a main 'A' road (trunk road, etc) is often shown in red.

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Road maps are used for directing people if they get lost. Another word for a road map is called a melways.

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Well a road MAP is a map so technically a road map is used for a road map. On the other side its like a climate map is like a weather map and usually tourists and meteorologists use climate maps. Road maps are like street maps.

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It is 689 miles according to Google Maps.

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Visit this this site you'll be able to purchase road maps, as well as travel guides=

What are road maps used for?

Road maps are used for directing people if they get lost. Another word for a road map is called a melways.

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It is 427 kilometers according to Google Maps.

Does show detailed road maps of Canada?

Sort of. is an online catalog that sells maps and map-related materials. It does sell road maps of Canada, but you can not view them online.