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You would have to first find out the atomic mass of the number and if you wouldn't be able to find out the the atomic mass or if it doesn't have an atomic mass that means it has no electrons

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2w ago

The Atomic Mass of an element is found on the Periodic Table. It is the weighted average mass of all the isotopes of that element. Without more information, it's not possible to provide a specific value for the missing element's atomic mass.

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Q: What is a reasonable value for the atomic mass of the missing element in the periodic table?
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yes, properties of an element depends on its atomic number and atomic mass unless it is an exception and the atomic number and atomic mass of unknown elements are known by placing it in periodic table

What is the atomic number on the periodic table?

The atomic number on the periodic table is the number of protons for the element.

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NO!!! Hydrogen (H) is the first element on the Periodic Table. Reason Atomic No. = 1 Atomic mass( of protium) = 1 Carbon lies 6th position. Atomic No. = 6 Atomic mass = 12

Can you find the atomic number of an element on the periodic table?

Yes, the atomic number of an element is typically listed above the element's symbol on the periodic table. The atomic number is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom of that element.

What is the atomic number of an element listed in the Periodic Table refers to?

The atomic umber of an element listed in the periodic table refers to number of protons in the element. Atomic number is equal to number of protons.

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The element with a relative atomic mass of 15.5 is phosphorus.

What element on the periodic table weighs 19.32?

No element has an atomic weight of 19.32 on the periodic table.

Is the atomic number of each element included in the periodic table?

YES!!! The atomic No. is the postition of the element in the periodic table. It also indicates the number of protons in the element and electrons in the neutral element. The Atomic Mass is also included in the periodic table. The Atomic Mass is the sum of all the protons and neutrons of an element in the periodic table. Here are some examples. Hydrogen ; [1/1]H The first element in the table Carbon ; [12/6]C The sixth element in the periodic table Oxygen ; [16/8]O The eighth element in the periodic table et.seq., The first number given is the Atomic Mass and the second number is the Atomic Number.

What does the atomic munber mean on the periodic table?

The atomic number on the periodic table represents the number of protons in an atom's nucleus. It determines the element's identity and its position on the periodic table. Each element has a unique atomic number.

What element is the first on the periodic table?

Hydrogen is the first element on periodic table. Its atomic number is 1.

What is the element of a atomic number element?

The atomic number of an Element refers to it's position in The Periodic Table. The first element (Hydrogen - H) has the atomic number 1. The second element (Helium - He) has the atomic number 2. The fifty-second element (Tellurium - Te) has the atomic number 52. And so on.