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If the light travels faster in the second medium, then this medium is called the rarer medium.

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A rarer medium refers to a cooking term used to describe meat that is cooked less than medium-rare, meaning it is cooked for a shorter time period and is usually pink and juicy in the center. This term is often used in culinary contexts to describe the doneness of meat.

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Q: What is a rarer medium?
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What is emergent ray in refraction of light?

The emergent ray is the ray of light which passes through a denser medium(glass) to a rarer medium(air).

What will happen to the angle of refraction if the angle of incidence is made smaller for light passing from rarer to denser medium and how?

If the angle of incidence is made smaller for light passing from a rarer to a denser medium, the angle of refraction will also decrease. This is because of the law of refraction, which states that light bends towards the normal when moving from a rarer medium to a denser medium. Therefore, as the angle of incidence decreases, the angle of refraction will also decrease.

Does the speed of light changes when it goes from rarer medium to denser medium having angle of incidence equal to 0?

The speed of light changes when it goes from one medium to another one with a different index of refraction. The angle of incidence doesn't influence the change in speed.

When light enters from denser medium to rare medium what happens to its phase change?

When light enters from a denser medium to a rarer medium, the phase change it experiences is a shift towards a longer wavelength, known as refraction. This shift in phase is due to the change in the speed of light as it travels through the different mediums.

When light enters from denser medium to rare medium in what direction does it turns?

It depends what angle it incidents on. For example: if the light was at right angles it wouldn't turn at all. It is best to think of the mediums as two different road surfaces and the light as a car. As the light (car) comes from a dense medium (dirt) onto a rare medium (tar) it will go faster on the side that first touches the rare medium, and hence, turn it.

Related questions

What happens when a ray of light passes from rarer medium to rarer medium?

When a ray of light passes from a rarer medium to a rarer medium, it will continue in a straight line and its speed will remain constant. There will be no change in the direction of the light ray.

What is difference between rarer and danser medium?

In denser medium,particles of matter are very close to each other.whereas,in rarer medium,particles of the medium are slightly farther apart.

How is the direction of aray of light changed when it travels from an optically denser to an optically rarer medium?

When light travels from an optically denser medium to an optically rarer medium, it bends away from the normal (angle of incidence is greater than angle of refraction) due to the decrease in the speed of light in the rarer medium. This phenomenon is known as refraction.

Is it possible to achieve total internal reflection if the object is in rarer medium?

No, total internal reflection can only occur when light travels from a denser medium to a less dense medium. If light travels from a less dense medium to a denser medium, it will refract towards the normal rather than being internally reflected.

When light travels from a denser medium to a rarer medium it bends away from the normal Is it possible for the light ray to reflect back in the same medium?

Yes, when light travels from a denser medium to a rarer medium and strikes the interface at an angle greater than the critical angle, total internal reflection can occur. In this case, the light ray reflects back into the denser medium instead of refracting into the rarer medium.

What happenend light from rarer to denser medium?

It slowed down.

Is there any phase change occurred when sound wave refracted from denser medium to a rarer medium?

No, there is no phase change that occurs when a sound wave refracts from a denser medium to a rarer medium. The wavelength and frequency of the wave may change due to the change in speed, but the phase remains the same.

What type of matter do sound travel faster through?

rarer medium- air

Why does tha refracted light bends towards the base of prism?

When light enters a denser medium from a rarer medium, it slows down, causing it to bend towards the normal. As the light exits the denser medium into the rarer medium, it speeds up and bends away from the normal. This change in speed and direction is why refraction occurs in a prism.

Why frequency of light is not change When it enter from a rarer medium to denser medium?

Frequency is a function of the energy level of the photon. Changing the medium does not change that energy level.

Why does velocity of light in rarer medium than in denser medium?

Light travels faster in rarer mediums than in denser mediums because the density of the medium affects the speed at which light waves can propagate. In rarer mediums, there are fewer particles for light to interact with, allowing it to travel faster. This difference in speed is due to the change in the refractive index of the medium.

When light rays enter a new medium at an angle what does the change in speed cause the ray to do?

The change in speed causes the light to bend. If it is travelling from an optically dencer to an optically rarer medium the ray will bend away from the normal. But if it is travelling from an optically rarer to an optically denser medium then it will bend towards the normal.