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A primitive meteorite is a type of meteorite that is composed of materials similar to those found in the early solar system. These meteorites have undergone minimal change since their formation over 4.5 billion years ago and can provide valuable insights into the conditions present in the early solar system.

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Q: What is a primitive meteorite?
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What do you mean by a primitive meteorite?

A primitive meteorite is a type of meteorite that is considered to be in its most primitive and unaltered state since its formation, containing material that is similar to the initial building blocks of the solar system. These meteorites provide valuable insights into the early stages of our solar system's evolution.

Is a meteorite a mineral?

No. A meteorite is a rock.

What is a martian meteorite?

A meteorite that originates from Mars.

Can a meteorite hit another meteorite?

Yes,it can.

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How do use meteorite in a sentence?

Scientists discovered a rare meteorite in the desert.

Is martian meteorite a living thing or not?

No. A Martian meteorite is simply a meteorite from Mars. It's basically just a rock.

How do you write a sentence with the word meteorite?

"Meteorite" is a noun, and so it can be used in the following ways: A meteorite fell to earth last week. More than 90% of a meteorite's substance is rock. It would be very unusual for a human to be hit by a meteorite.

What kind of a noun is meteorite?

Meteorite is a common concrete noun

What is the diameter of a meteorite?

The diameter of a meteorite may vary greatly.

What is the name of the meteorite found in Arizona?

The Canyon Diablo Meteorite.

When a meteor reaches earth's surface it is called a?
