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A vertical conduit through the Earth's crust; it connects the vent of a volcano to its magma chamber; a conduit through which volcanic materials pass. Commonly filled with volcanic breccia and fragments of older rock. Varies in width and length depending on location and type of volcano.

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Baby DuBuque

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Q: What is a pipe In the volcano?
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What is the definition of volcano pipe?

A pipe that carries magma inside a volcano.

What is a branch pipe of a volcano?

A pipe is a long tube in the ground that connects the magma chamber to the earths surface.

Definition of branch pipe of a volcano?

A branch pipe of a volcano is a smaller conduit that branches off from the main vent of the volcano. Branch pipes can be found on the flanks of a volcano and may act as secondary pathways for magma to reach the surface. They can contribute to localized eruptions and can play a role in the overall plumbing system of a volcano.

Is the pipe of a volcano is a horizontal crack in the crust?

No, the pipe of a volcano is a vertical conduit that allows magma to move from the magma chamber to the surface. It is not a horizontal crack in the crust.

Is the pipe in a volcano a horizontal a horizontal crack in the crust?

No, actually the volcanic pipe is horizontal.

Exposed solid pipe of old volcano?

Devils Tower in Wyoming is an exposed pipe of an old volcano. It is over 700 feet high and composed of solid rock.

How are volcanic necks formed?

When magma hardens in a volcano's pipe

Where is the vent for the mauna loa volcano?

at the top. the end of the pipe (:

Forms when magma hardens in a volcano's pipe?

a volcanic neck

Is a crater the same as a vent?

no. it is a pipe that goes through the volcano.

When magma hardens in a volcano's pipe the result will eventually be a landform called a?

When magma hardens in a volcano's pipe, the result will eventually be a volcanic neck or volcanic plug. This landform is a solidified remnant of magma that once filled the volcano's vent.

What is a pipe-like structure within a volcano where magma travels?

A conduit is a pipe-like structure within a volcano that allows magma to travel from the magma chamber to the surface during an eruption. It is typically composed of a network of cracks and fractures within the volcano.