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Nitrogen fixation is the process by which bacteria remove nitrogen from the air and make it available to plants.

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10y ago

The process by which bacteria remove nitrogen from the air and make it available to plants in the form of ammonium is nitrogen fixation.

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Q: What is a peocess by which bacteria remove nitrogen from the air and make it avaliable to plants-?
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How do plants get atmospheric nitrogen?

some plants have bacteria in their roots which contain nitrogen when plants want nitrogen they exchange their food made them with nitrogen. Example: pea plants contain bacteria called rhizobium which contains nitrogen

What can convert nitrogen in the air into a form plants can use?

Nitrogen fixing bacteria along and on the roots of plants converts gaseous nitrogen into a form that plants can absorb.

Can nitrogen gas be used by plants?

No. Plants cannot use elemental nitrogen. The nitrogen must first be fixed, either by lightning or by nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Some plants have such bacteria in their roots.

How does bacteria benefit plants?

Nitrogen fixing bacteria are important for plants as they can convert Nitrogen from the air into Nitrates in the soil which the plant can then use. Legumes have nodules on their roots to provide a suitable habitat for them.

What do bacteria do in nitrogen fixation?

Bacteria in nitrogen fixation convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use, such as ammonia. This process is essential for plants to produce proteins and grow. Some bacteria form symbiotic relationships with plants, like legumes, to efficiently fix nitrogen in the soil.

Which eubacteria help plants in the production of proteins nitrogen-fixing bacteria endospores bacillia halophiles?

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria

When there is not enough nitrogen in the atmosphere for plants how do the plants get it?

Plants can obtain nitrogen from the soil through their roots. They form symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil, which convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use. Additionally, decaying organic matter in the soil releases nitrogen that plants can absorb.

How will the removal of leguminous plants affect the nitrogen cycle?

it affects the nitrogen cycle as the leguminous plants have nitrogen-fixing bacteria on their roots and these nitrogen-fixing bacteria help to collect nitrogen which is transferred to animals when these leguminous plants have been eaten.

Which gas is changed into a useful form for the plants by the bacteria in the soil?

Nitrogen gas is changed into a useful form for plants by nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil. These bacteria convert nitrogen gas into a form that plants can absorb and use to grow, known as ammonium or nitrate.

How are carnivores dependent on nitrogen fixing bacteria?

carnivores -> herbivores -> plants -> nitrogen fixing bacteria

What is the relationship between bacteria and plants?

Plants need nitrogen to grow. They are surrounded by nitrogen in the air, but it is not in a form the plants can use. Nitrogen fixing bacteria on the roots of the plant convert (fix) the airborne nitrogen to a form the plants can use to grow.

How do plants get the nitrogen they need to grow?

Plants obtain nitrogen mainly from the soil in the form of nitrates or ammonium ions. During the nitrogen cycle, nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil convert atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form for plants. Some plants also have symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their root nodules to help them absorb nitrogen.