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Q: What is a pathway between two hillsides?
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What is the word for this meaning a long pathway between two hillsides?

A long pathway between two hillsides is a ravine

What is the pathway between the receptor and the control center in the reflex pathway?

Afferent pathway

What is the pathway between the receptor and the control center in the reflex pathway called?

Afferent pathway

What is the difference between series and parralal circuit?

difference between series is one pathway through circuit,difference between parralal is more then one pathway through circuit.

What are the nouns to many colorful flowers grew on the hillsides?

"Flowers" and "hillsides" are the nouns here.

What did athenian men use to create more farmland out of hillsides?

Athenian's used terrecing on hillsides

What is difference between the professional career pathway and the entry career pathway?

A professional career pathway requires a few years of education, such as high school diploma or even a college degree. An entry career pathway will usually not have many requirements.

What is the difference between the entry career pathway and professional career pathway?

A professional career pathway requires a few years of education, such as high school diploma or even a college degree. An entry career pathway will usually not have many requirements.

What two types of organelles provide a pathway for the chromosomes?

it you

How an impulse can continue to travel along a nerve pathway when there's a gap between two neurons?

An impulse can continue to travel along a nerve pathway when there's a gap between two neurons through a process called synaptic transmission. At the gap, known as a synapse, neurotransmitters are released by the sending neuron, which then bind to receptors on the receiving neuron, triggering a new electrical signal to continue the impulse along the nerve pathway.

Name two features that are produced by ground water?

swamps,marshes, and other wetlands or it can flow out as a spring in hillsides

Is a communication pathway connecting two or more devices?
