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genetic drift

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8mo ago

One example of microevolution is genetic variation within a population. This occurs because of the accumulation of small changes in the frequency of alleles (alternative forms of a gene) over generations.

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What is the process of microevolution?


What is the role of population genetics in the study of microevolution?

Microevolution can be studied by observing changes in the numbers and types of alleles, or genetics, in populations.

Which process can be observed in a laboratory?


Which process can be observed in the lab?


Which process can be observed in laboratory?


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What is a statement about microevolution and macroevolution?

Microevolution can lead to Microevolution

Which statements about microevolution and macroevolution is true?

microevolution can lead to macroevolution

Which is not part of macroevolution?

Microevolution is not part of macroevolution. Microevolution involves small-scale changes within a species over a shorter period of time, while macroevolution involves larger scale changes that lead to the formation of new species over a longer period of time.

Which is a part of microevolution?

Natural selection is a key aspect of microevolution, driving the gradual changes in a population's genetic makeup over generations. Other components include genetic drift, gene flow, and mutations, which all contribute to the variation and adaptation of populations.

What is the process of microevolution?


What is the role of population genetics in the study of microevolution?

Microevolution can be studied by observing changes in the numbers and types of alleles, or genetics, in populations.

Which process can be observed in the labortory?


Which process can be observed in a laboratory?


Which process can be observed in the lab?


What is a true statement about microevolution and macroevolution?

Microevolution refers to small-scale changes in gene frequencies within a population over generations, while macroevolution involves large-scale evolutionary changes that lead to the formation of new species. Both processes are driven by genetic variation, natural selection, and other evolutionary mechanisms. Microevolution is the basis for macroevolution, as accumulated small changes can eventually result in the divergence of distinct species.

The change of Englands Biston betularia moth populations from light colored to dark colored is an example of?

natural selection!

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