it can be pullutant but it can help in a way
Penipisan lapisan ozon disebabkan oleh paparan gas-gas kimia berbahaya seperti klorofluorokarbon (CFC) dan halon yang dilepaskan ke atmosfer. Akibatnya, lapisan ozon di stratosfer menipis karena reaksi kimia antara ozon dan senyawa-senyawa tersebut, yang meningkatkan radiasi UV-B yang mencapai permukaan bumi dan dapat menyebabkan dampak kesehatan yang serius pada manusia dan lingkungan.
The ozone layer protects the Earth from the sun's harmful UV radiation. If the ozone layer is depleted, more UV radiation can reach the Earth's surface, leading to increased cases of skin cancer, cataracts, and damage to marine ecosystems. It can also harm crops and other vegetation.
The main factor contributing to the depletion of the ozone layer is the release of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozone-depleting substances into the atmosphere. These substances break down ozone molecules, reducing the ozone layer's ability to protect the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Efforts such as the Montreal Protocol have helped in phasing out the use of these harmful substances, leading to gradual recovery of the ozone layer.
The ozone hole forms over Antarctica due to a combination of factors such as extremely cold temperatures, presence of polar stratospheric clouds, and human-made chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). These factors contribute to the depletion of ozone in that region, creating the hole.
the ozon layer ' :D
The ozone layer is formed by UV rays. It is also formed by thunder.
The hoel in ozone is not actually a hole. It the thinning of the layer below a certain concentration.
The size of ozone layer in year 2008 was moderate. It was recovering.
ozon layer atmosphere ocean, weather
Ozone is being depleted by CFC's. They react with ozone and deplete it.
CFC's are very reactive chemicals. They react with ozone to decompose it and deplete it.
The earth has a special ozon layer that protect us from the sun.
Ozone affects us in positive way. it protects us from the harmful UV radiations of the sun.
Man can stop the destruction of ozone layer by his efforts too. All we have to do is to stop the usage of ozone depleting products which cause ozone depletion.
François Ozon was born on November 15, 1967.
François Ozon was born on November 15, 1967.