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Monera's cell is a prokaryotic cell i.e. it is composed of everything that a eukaryotic cell but without a nucleous.

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Q: What is a monera's cell membrane composed of?
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What organelle is composed of a phospholipid bilayer?

The organelle that is composed of a phospholipid bilayer is the cell membrane. It surrounds the cell and acts as a barrier, controlling what substances can enter and leave the cell.

What is the material that composes the cell membrane?

The cell membrane is composed of phospholipids. They form a bilayer for the cell.

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Fat-soluble molecules can permeate across a cell membrane because the phospholipid bilayer of the membrane is made up of fatty acid chains that are nonpolar, similar to the fat-soluble molecules. These molecules can easily pass through the nonpolar core of the lipid bilayer without requiring any specific transport proteins.

What is composed of phospholipid bilayer?

The Cell membrane

What are cell membranes and cell wall composed of?

Cell membranes are composed primarily of phospholipids and proteins, while cell walls are composed of cellulose in plants, chitin in fungi, and peptidoglycan in bacteria. Both structures provide support and protection for the cell.

What molecules form much of the cell membrane?

Phospholipids are the most abundant molecules in the cell membrane. They have a hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tails that arrange themselves in a lipid bilayer to form the basic structure of the membrane.

Which cell part is a thin membrane that lets materials in and out of a cell?

Referred to as either a cell membrane or a plasma membrane. Is composed of a phospholipid bilayer with embedded protein channels.

Channels within the structure of the cell membrane are composed of....?

Simply stated: ProteinsChannels within the structure of the cell membrane are composed of proteins. A protein that forms an ion channel through a membrane is called a transmembrane protein.

What is the function of the cell membrane for kids?

The cell membrane acts like a gatekeeper, controlling what goes in and out of the cell. It also helps the cell maintain its shape and structure. Think of it as the cell's protector, keeping harmful substances out while allowing helpful ones in.

What is the cell structure that is located in the external boundaries of the cell?

The cell structure that is located in the external boundaries of the cell is the cell membrane. The cell membrane is a semipermeable membrane composed of lipids and proteins that surrounds the cell, providing a barrier between the cell's interior and its external environment.

What is the flexible covering around a cell?

The flexible covering around a cell is called the cell membrane. This membrane acts as a barrier and regulates the movement of substances in and out of the cell, helping to maintain the cell's internal environment. It is composed of a phospholipid bilayer embedded with proteins.

What lies beneath the cell walls?

Beneath a cell wall is a cell membrane, composed mainly of phospholipids.