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Q: What is a molecole that consists of two complimentary strands connected by base pairs?
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A DNA molecule consists of how many stands?

The DNA molecule has two strands connected by a sugar phosphate backbone.

Are DNA complimentary strands alike?

no these are complementary to each other not alike.

What are the two strands DNA held by?

The two strands of DNA are connected by hydrogen bonds.

The strict arrangement of base-pairings in the double helix results in two strands of nucleotides that are?

complimentary to each other

How many DNA strands do have in most cells?

DNA consists of two strands of nucleotides twisted into a double helix.

How are the strands of the DNA molecule connected with one onother?


How are DNA molecules bound together to form a double helix?

The DNA strands are held together by hydrogen bonds between complimentary base pairs.

What would be the complimentary strand of GCCATTG?

The complementary strand to GCCATTG would be CGGTAAC. Adenine pairs with thymine and guanine pairs with cytosine in DNA strands.

A-c-g-c-t-t what is the other side?

The complementary strand for A-C-G-C-T-T would be T-G-C-G-A-A. Adenine pairs with thymine, cytosine pairs with guanine in DNA strands.

What shape did Watson and Crick determine DNA molecules were?

Watson and Crick determined that DNA molecules are in the shape of a double helix, which resembles a twisted ladder. The double helix structure consists of two strands that are connected by complementary base pairs.

How many polynucleotide strands do RNA have?

RNA typically consists of a single polynucleotide strand.

How are the 2 nucleotide strands connected?

The two nucleotide strands in DNA are connected by hydrogen bonds between complementary base pairs: adenine (A) with thymine (T), and guanine (G) with cytosine (C). These base pairs create the double-helix structure of DNA.