

Best Answer

the rythme and tone of the poem

A2. Any metric is just a unit of measure. A decimal system is based upon decades of 10.

The SI system is something else again, and is concerned with the names of phenomena and their properties. Such as mass, current, temperature and so on.

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13y ago
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3mo ago

A metric poem is a type of poem that follows a specific meter or rhythm scheme. This means that the lines of the poem are structured according to a particular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables. Examples of metric poems include sonnets, haikus, and limericks.

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12y ago

Metre in poetry is different from metre in measurement. In a poem the metre is the rhythm of the words. For instance iambic pentametre. Pentametre means there are five double beats to a line, iambic means the stress was on the second beat of the double beat.

That time of year, thou mayst in me behold

When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang

Shakespeare Sonnet 73.

A metric poem is one that follows one of the standard poetic metres.

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Metered refers to the sequence of what in syllables in a poem?

There are a number of different metric forms. Generally meter refers to the syllabic construction of the poem, that is the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.

What does Meter refers to the sequence of syllables in a poem?

There are a number of different metric forms. Generally meter refers to the syllabic construction of the poem, that is the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.

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How many metric feet are in a sonnet?

70 metric feet? well, a sonnet is a short poem consists of fourteen lines. Each line is usually written in iambic pentameter (five iambs... an iamb is equivalent to one metric foot). Meaning, 14 lines of 5 iambs each is equal to 70 iambs or metric feet.

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metric to metric ?Multiply by 1.

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Metrics are bases for measurement. For example, a road planner may use congestion-hours as a metric for traffic problems.

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The metric unit is a millilitre. The metric unit is a millilitre. The metric unit is a millilitre. The metric unit is a millilitre.

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The metric unit of time is the second.There isn't one in common use but:10 metric hours in a day100 metric minutes in a metric hour100 metric seconds in a metric minute10 days in a metric week (called a dekade)

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