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The axon.

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4d ago

That is the axon, a long projection of a neuron that transmits electrical impulses away from the cell body to other neurons, muscles, or glands. The axon can extend up to several feet in some cases, allowing for rapid communication across long distances in the body.

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Q: What is a long single fiber extending from the neuron up to four feet opposite the dendrites?
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What anatomical characteristic determines wether a particular neuron is classified as unipolar bipolar or multipolar?

The number of processes extending from the neuron's cell body determines its classification. Unipolar neurons have a single process, bipolar neurons have two processes, and multipolar neurons have multiple processes extending from the cell body.

The most common type of neuron found in the central nervous?

The most common type of neuron found in the central nervous system is the multipolar neuron. These neurons have many dendrites and a single axon extending from the cell body. Multipolar neurons are involved in processing and transmitting information in the brain and spinal cord.

Neurons are classified on the basis of their structure as?

Neurons are classified into different types based on their structure as follows: multipolar neurons with many dendrites and a single axon, bipolar neurons with one dendrite and one axon, and unipolar neurons with a single process extending from the cell body that branches into dendrites and an axon.

Do the dendrites receive or release neurotransmitters?

You've sort of got it backwards: axon terminals initially release neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft, from where they diffuse across the cleft and fit into receptor sites on ligand-gated sodium ion pores on the dendrites, causing those pores to open, allowing sodium ions into the dendrite, resulting in a change in the voltage of the dendrites membrane, which initiates the propagation of the signal along the dendrite and soma towards the axon hillock, where it may trigger an action potential in the axon.However, after the neurotransmitters have done their job at the dendrites, they can be "released" by the dendrites , as in let go of, to be re-absorbed, re-cycled, re-used by the axon terminals.The axons "give" the neurotransmitters to the dendrites as chemical messengers to convey the signal, and the dendrites "give them back" after the message has been received and conveyed onward.

What gives a multipolar neuron its name?

A multipolar neuron is named for having multiple processes extending from its cell body, including one axon and multiple dendrites. This neuron type is commonly found in the central nervous system and is vital for integrating and transmitting information within the nervous system.

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What anatomical characteristic determines wether a particular neuron is classified as unipolar bipolar or multipolar?

The number of processes extending from the neuron's cell body determines its classification. Unipolar neurons have a single process, bipolar neurons have two processes, and multipolar neurons have multiple processes extending from the cell body.

What determine whether a neuron is unipolar bipolar multipolar?

The structure of a neuron is determined by its function and location within the nervous system. Unipolar neurons have a single process extending from the cell body; bipolar neurons have two processes extending from the cell body; multipolar neurons have multiple processes extending from the cell body. The specific tasks the neuron needs to perform and its location in the nervous system dictate its structure.

In addition to the nucleus cytoplasm and cell membrane a single neuron possesses what?

A single neuron also possesses dendrites, which receive signals from other neurons, and an axon, which transmits signals to other neurons or cells. Additionally, neurons have synaptic connections that allow them to communicate with other neurons or cells through neurotransmitters.

Part of neuron that sends message through the neuron?

The dendrites are the "input" portion of the neuron, collecting signals from other neurons. However, the axon is the "output" portion of the neuron, sending signals to other neurons.

The most common type of neuron found in the central nervous?

The most common type of neuron found in the central nervous system is the multipolar neuron. These neurons have many dendrites and a single axon extending from the cell body. Multipolar neurons are involved in processing and transmitting information in the brain and spinal cord.

EPSPs produced by many different presynaptic fibers converging on a single postsynaptic neuron causing summation on the postsynaptic dendrites and cell body best describes?

spatial summation

Neurons are classified on the basis of their structure as?

Neurons are classified into different types based on their structure as follows: multipolar neurons with many dendrites and a single axon, bipolar neurons with one dendrite and one axon, and unipolar neurons with a single process extending from the cell body that branches into dendrites and an axon.

The single long strand that comes out of the other side of the cell body is called the?

axon-kenyonthanks ya kenyon-lexi

Are dendrites and axons both armlike processes that extend from cell bodies?

Yes, both dendrites and axons are arm-like processes extending from the cell body of a neuron. Dendrites receive signals from other neurons and deliver them to the cell body, while axons transmit signals away from the cell body to other neurons or target cells.

Do the dendrites receive or release neurotransmitters?

You've sort of got it backwards: axon terminals initially release neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft, from where they diffuse across the cleft and fit into receptor sites on ligand-gated sodium ion pores on the dendrites, causing those pores to open, allowing sodium ions into the dendrite, resulting in a change in the voltage of the dendrites membrane, which initiates the propagation of the signal along the dendrite and soma towards the axon hillock, where it may trigger an action potential in the axon.However, after the neurotransmitters have done their job at the dendrites, they can be "released" by the dendrites , as in let go of, to be re-absorbed, re-cycled, re-used by the axon terminals.The axons "give" the neurotransmitters to the dendrites as chemical messengers to convey the signal, and the dendrites "give them back" after the message has been received and conveyed onward.

The most type of neuron in the human body is?

The most common type of neuron in the human body is the multipolar neuron. These neurons have many dendrites and a single axon, allowing them to receive and transmit information from multiple sources. Multipolar neurons are found throughout the brain and spinal cord, playing a crucial role in processing and transmitting neural signals.