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Q: What is a less reactive element that will never replace a more reactive element?
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Can magnesium replace lithium in a single replacement reaction?

No, magnesium cannot replace lithium in a single replacement reaction because lithium is more reactive than magnesium. In single replacement reactions, a more reactive element will displace a less reactive element from a compound, but this is not possible in this case due to the reactivity trend.

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What term describes a more reactive element taking the place of a less reactive element?

The more reactive substance is known as a catalyst.

As you go down a period does the element become more reactive or less reactive when placed in water?

more reactive

What is it called when a more reactive metal replace a less reactive metal in a compound?

It is called a displacement reaction. In this reaction, the more reactive metal displaces the less reactive metal from its compound, forming a new compound with the more reactive metal.

What happens in a single-replacment reaction?

A more reactive element displace the less reactive element from a compound.Example: Fe + CuSO4 = Cu + FeSO4

What is the group of element that are less reactive?

alkaline earth metals

Steps on how to carry up a displacement reaction?

Start with a more reactive metal or element and a less reactive metal or element in solution or in contact with each other. The more reactive metal will displace the less reactive metal from its solution or compound, resulting in a new compound containing the more reactive metal and a separate less reactive metal. The displacement reaction follows the activity series of metals, where more reactive metals displace less reactive metals from their compounds.

What is the link between displacement reaction and the reactivity series?

the reactivity series lists elements in order from most reactive to least reactive. in a displacement reaction, a more reactive element will "displace" a less reactive element in a compound, the reactivity series can therefore be used to determine which displacement reactions are possible.

Why can't iodine be used to displace bromine from sodium bromide?

Iodine is less reactive than bromine, so it cannot displace bromine from sodium bromide in a chemical reaction. In a displacement reaction, a more reactive element can displace a less reactive element from its compound. Since iodine is less reactive than bromine, it cannot replace bromine in the compound.

When one element takes the place of another element in a reaction?

This is called a displacement reaction. It occurs when a more reactive element displaces a less reactive element from its compound during a chemical reaction.

When sodium metal reacts with iron chloride iron and sodium chloride are formed?

In this reaction, sodium metal will replace iron in the iron chloride, forming sodium chloride and iron metal. This is an example of a single displacement reaction, where a more reactive element displaces a less reactive element in a compound.