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it's called a mudslide. XD

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1mo ago

A landslide of dirt and rock down a mountain or cliff is called a rockslide. It occurs when loose rocks and debris slide down a slope due to gravity and other factors like heavy rainfall or earthquakes.

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Q: What is a landslide of dirt and rock down a mountain or cliff called?
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A slide of a large mass of dirt and rock down a mountain or cliff is called?

A slide of a large mass of dirt and rock down a mountain or cliff is called a landslide. It can be triggered by factors such as heavy rainfall, earthquakes, or human activities, and can cause significant damage to the environment and infrastructure.

How are landslide and avalanche different the same?

A landslide is something that would occur in a dry climate ( a cliff side, dirt) and a avalanche occurs in the snow.

When is a landslide called a mudflow?

A landslide is called a mud flow when it is raining when it happens which causes the dirt to turn to mud, or when a landslide happens at a muddy area so instead of dirt, its mostly mud.

What is the collapse of a mass of earth or rocks from a mountain called?

The collapse of a mass of earth or rocks from a mountain is called a landslide. It is often triggered by factors such as heavy rainfall, earthquakes, or human activities, and can result in significant damage to property and loss of life.

Is landslide is a physical change or chemical change?

A landslide is only rocks/dirt moving so it is a physical change.

What characteristic landscape features telll you that erosion due to a landslide took place?

Characteristics such as freshly exposed soil, tilted or rotated trees, and disrupted vegetation patterns can indicate that erosion due to a landslide has occurred. Additionally, visible scars or debris deposits on the slope can provide evidence of landslide activity.

How a landslide happens?

the world shakes & all the dirt comes down.

What do animals do in a landslide situation?

stand on the moving dirt and slide to the bottom 2nd Answer: Well . . . to tell the truth, they run away if they can; otherwise they are killed by the landslide. By the way, no animal can stand on the moving "dirt" and slide to the bottom.

Is a landslide a physical or chemical change?

A landslide is a physical change because it involves the movement of rock and sediment down a slope due to gravity. There is no change in the chemical composition of the materials involved in a landslide.

Does gravity or wind quickly pulls rocks and dirt downhill in a landslide?

Gravity is the primary force that causes rocks and dirt to move downhill in a landslide. Wind can contribute to the movement of loose material, but gravity is the dominant force in causing landslides.

What is landslide and what should we do during landslide?

A landslide is the rapid downhill movement of a large amount of earth material. If you are caught in a landslide, try to move out of its path quickly and seek higher ground. Listen for emergency alerts and follow evacuation orders if advised by authorities.

Is landslide physical or chemical change?

Physical. It is still dirt/rock, no change to it's nature- just its position.