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Q: What is a inherited characteristic that helps an organism survive and reproduce in the enviorment?
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Is adaptation a characteristic?

Yes it's an inherited characteristic that helps an organism reproduce and survive within a particular environment.

An inherited characteristic that increases an organisms ability to survive and reproduce in its specific environment is called a?

An inherited characteristic that increases an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in its specific environment is called an adaptation. Adaptations help organisms better suit their environment and increase their chances of survival and reproduction.

What does inherited trait mean?

An inherited trait is a feature or characteristic of an organism that has been passed on to it in its genes.

Which term best describes a specially developed characteristic that enables an organism to live in a specific enviorment?


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A physical characteristic that allows an organism to survive and reproduce.

A specific inherited characteristic?

== == The meaning of an inherited characteristic has to do with evolution. it is a trait that has been passed down from other generations to better your survival. It increases your "fitness", or the physical and behavhioral traits that enable an organism to survive.

What is an inherited characteristic that increases an organism's chance of survival.?

Adaptation c==3

Is an adaptation in biology made by choice or is it inherited?

Adaptations in biology are inherited traits that have evolved over time through natural selection to help an organism survive and reproduce in its environment. They are not consciously chosen by the organism but are the result of genetic variations that provide a survival advantage.

What are the seven characteristic of all living organism?

reproduce energy food growth die development adaptation

Is a particular type of living thing that can breed and reproduce?

An organism is a particular type of living thing that can breed and reproduce. It can be a complex multicellular organism like a plant or animal, or a simpler unicellular organism like a bacterium. The ability to reproduce is a defining characteristic of living organisms.

What is the definition adaptation?

An inherited characteristic that allows an organism to survive in a particular environmentAn adaptation is a positive characteristic of an organismthat has been favoured by natural selection

An adaptation is an inherited characteristics that can be?

An adaptation is an inherited characteristic that enhances an organism's chances of survival and reproduction in a specific environment. It allows the organism to better fit its environment and improve its chances of passing on its genes to the next generation.