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It would be a herbivore (plant-eating consumer).

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Q: What is a heterotroph that feeds only on plants called?
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What is the organism that feeds only on plants?

A herbivore feeds only on plants.

Is a heterotroph and a herbivore the same thing?

Not exactly. A heterotroph has to get its' food from other complex organisms but that can mean other animals (meat) and plants. But a herbivore eats plants only.

Feeds on plant and animal waste?

If you are asking what feeds off other plants and animals, then I will tell you that an omnivore is something that feeds off plants and animals. A carnivore is something that only eats other animals. A herbivore is something that eats only plants.

What is a herbivore?

A herbivore is any animal that only east plants to live.

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What is a hervibor?

A herbivor is an animal that only eats plants.

What is a giraffe a autotroph or heterotroph?

Goats eat plants, hence they are classified as heterotrophs. Only an organism that creates its own food and does not eat any other organism would be classified as an autotroph.

A living thing that feeds on dead plants and animals is a?

An animal that eats, only other dead organisms is called a scavenger. An example might be crows or vultures.

Are heterotroph's carnivores?

Only some , not all.

Animal that eat only plants?

an animal that only eats plants would be, a sloth

What is a consumer that only eat plants called?

A consumer that eats only plants is a herbivore.

If only green plants can make food how do other living things get their food?

by eating an animal that feeds on a plant or eat a plant