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Each one of the 2 "half penises", which aren't merged together into a single penis, found in some vertebrates, like sharks and scaled reptiles.

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4mo ago

A hemipenis is a paired organ found in male reptiles, such as snakes and lizards, used for reproduction. Each hemipenis is typically stored in a separate hemipenial sac and is used to deliver sperm to the female during copulation. The structure and shape of hemipenes can vary greatly across different species.

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What has the author Charles Klaver written?

Charles Klaver has written: 'Phylogeny and classification of the Chamaeleonidae (Sauria) with special reference to hemipenis morphology' -- subject(s): Chamaeleo, Chameleons, Phylogeny, Classification, Generative organs, Hemipenis

Where Is A Rattle Snakes Penis?

The snake's hemipenis is 'inverted' - inside the cloaca (the last ventral scale on the snake's belly). During copulation, blood pressure everts the hemipenis outside the males body as it's inserted into the female's vent.

How does a rattlesnake mate?

If the female rattlesnake is receptive, the male will wrap his tail around her cloaca and insert a hemipenis which will impregnate her with sperm.

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If the female rattlesnake is receptive, the male will wrap his tail around her cloaca and insert a hemipenis which will impregnate her with sperm.

Do snakes have penises?

Male snakes do not have penises like mammals do. Instead, they have two hemipenes, which are located in their tail. Hemipenes are used for reproduction by being inserted into the female snake's cloaca during mating.

Is leopard gecko prolapse like parasites?

No, a leopard gecko prolapse is similar to a hernia in humans. It is when part of the intestines, uterus, or hemipenis pertrudes through the anal area. It can be caused by parasites, constipation or difficulty laying eggs

What are some characteristics of the order Squamata?

Squamata is an order of reptiles that includes lizards and snakes. They are characterized by their overlapping scales, movable quadrate bones in the skull, and presence of a hemipenis in males for reproduction. Squamates are ectothermic and exhibit a wide range of sizes, habitats, and feeding strategies.

How do water dragon lizards mate?

Water dragon lizards mate through a process known as copulation. The male mounts the female and inserts his hemipenis into her cloaca to transfer sperm. This usually occurs in the water, as water dragon lizards are semiaquatic creatures.

What is the difference between a boy or girl lizard beaded dragon?

Male bearded dragons tend to have larger heads, darker coloring, and more pronounced femoral pores on their thighs compared to females. Additionally, males have a hemipenal bulge at the base of their tail, which is absent in females. These physical characteristics can help identify the sex of a bearded dragon.

Do the male spiders lay eggs?

Every male creature has a penis. Snakes, Whales, ants. You name it. Arachnid (spider) reproduction happens by a male spider going behind a female spider and jumping aboard, holding the females legs down while doing his work. After the intercourse the female spider kills the male spider. The female falls pregnant, lays her eggs and then spiders are born

Describe excretory system of reptiles?

Reptiles have a pair of kidneys that filter waste from the blood into urine, which is then excreted through the cloaca. Some reptiles, like snakes, can also excrete excess salts through specialized glands. Additionally, reptiles can conserve water effectively by producing concentrated urine.

How do garden lizards give birth?

Male and female reptiles do not have external genitalia to help owners determine the sex of a herp. Males and females do possess different reproductive organs, however. The male possesses two testicles, housed inside the body. The male also has a copulatory organ, either a single penis (turtles and tortoises, crocodilians) or a pair of hemipenes (lizards, snakes) that can often be seen as two bulges behind the cloaca at the base of the tail. The penis or hemipenis is not connected to the urinary tract, and is strictly an organ of reproduction. Lizards and snakes can be sexed by the use of a probe that is inserted into the cloaca, directed towards the tail, off of the midline. The probe will travel farther in the male than in the female. Answered by: cassey, brittney and kimberly ( source:exoticpetvet