Acommunity is a group of people living in one palce, sharing some important things: e.g., language, race, religion, occupation fields of interests,etc.
The social contract model assumes that a diverse group of people can share the same morals by agreeing to follow a set of rules or principles that benefit everyone in society.
people who watch a variety of TV shows
Carbon is in the same group as lead.
A group of the same species is called a population.
A group of people from the same occupation
The same as the occupation of other people of other countries around the world.
Jobs or careers belonging to the same group on the basis of known or determined qualities..
A group of people with the same political ideas
military occupation
an association of people who worked at the same occupation
a religious group is a group of people that have the same religion.
The spelling is "peer" pressure. One's peers are those of the same age, group, or occupation.
A group of people who share the same ancestors, culture, language, or religion is commonly referred to as an ethnic group.