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1w ago

The function you are referring to is likely the SUM function in spreadsheet software like Excel or Google Sheets. This function allows you to add the values in a range of cells either vertically (above the active cell) or horizontally (to the left of the active cell) by specifying the range within the function.

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Q: What is a function that automatically adds the values in the cells directly above or to the left of the active cell?
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What are three ways you can describe a function?

A function is a mathematical relationship that maps input values to output values. Functions can be represented graphically, algebraically, or numerically. Functions can model various real-world phenomena and are essential in mathematics and science.

How is a function stretched or compressed?

A function is stretched vertically when its values are multiplied by a constant factor greater than 1, making it taller. It is compressed vertically when its values are multiplied by a constant factor between 0 and 1, making it shorter. Additionally, a function is stretched horizontally when the input values are divided by a constant factor greater than 1, making it narrower. It is compressed horizontally when the input values are divided by a constant factor between 0 and 1, making it wider.

Which organelle or structure contains enzymes that function best at acidic pH values?

The lysosome

Is every relation a function?

No, not every relation is a function. In order for a relation to be a function, each input value must map to exactly one output value. If any input value maps to multiple output values, the relation is not a function.

Can you determine Mercalli values?

Mercalli values are determined by assessing the observed effects of an earthquake on people, buildings, and the environment. They are not directly calculated like seismic magnitude. Instead, Mercalli values are based on descriptive accounts and surveys to gauge the intensity of shaking at different locations.

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What are the domain and range of the function?

The domain of a function is the set of values for which the function is defined.The range is the set of possible results which you can get for the function.

How can you find the domain and range of a function?

The domain is a subset of the values for which the function is defined. The range is the set of values that the function takes as the argument of the function takes all the values in the domain.

What Excel function sums values and then divides by the number of values?

The AVERAGE function.

Is x equals y a function?

y = x This is a line and a function. Function values are y values.

The set of all values that a function will return as outputs is called the of the function?

The set of all values that a function will return as outputs is called the *range* of the function.

What are limits in maths?

Limits (or limiting values) are values that a function may approach (but not actually reach) as the argument of the function approaches some given value. The function is usually not defined for that particular value of the argument.

What is the difference between high and maxinum in Excel?

Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.Maximum is the highest value in a range of values and can be got using the MAX function. There is no function called High in Excel.

Is COUNTIF an example of a logical function in Excel?

Yes. It combines the logical function IF with the normal COUNT function, so that it counts values that meet a condition.Yes. It combines the logical function IF with the normal COUNT function, so that it counts values that meet a condition.Yes. It combines the logical function IF with the normal COUNT function, so that it counts values that meet a condition.Yes. It combines the logical function IF with the normal COUNT function, so that it counts values that meet a condition.Yes. It combines the logical function IF with the normal COUNT function, so that it counts values that meet a condition.Yes. It combines the logical function IF with the normal COUNT function, so that it counts values that meet a condition.Yes. It combines the logical function IF with the normal COUNT function, so that it counts values that meet a condition.Yes. It combines the logical function IF with the normal COUNT function, so that it counts values that meet a condition.Yes. It combines the logical function IF with the normal COUNT function, so that it counts values that meet a condition.Yes. It combines the logical function IF with the normal COUNT function, so that it counts values that meet a condition.Yes. It combines the logical function IF with the normal COUNT function, so that it counts values that meet a condition.

The set of output values of a function or relation?

The set of output values of a function or relation is the range

A statistical function that adds a group of values and then divides the result by the number of values in the group?

Average function

The values that you use with a function are called?

values used with a function are called

All the values that go into a function. All of the input or independent values what is this called?

They are called the arguments of the function.