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What is the function of oil stored in the liver of a shark

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Q: What is a function of a streamlined body shape of a seal?
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Why seal streamlined body shape?

It is to swim faster when it is catching their prey and running away from its predator. Its streamlined body shape helps it to swim faster.

Does a seal has a streamlined body?


Why does seals have a streamlined body shape?

It is to help reduce water resistance and friction between the water and the seal,allowing it to swim faster to escape from its predator or to catch its prey.

Why do fish have a streamlined body?

Sharks, Tuna, Mackerels, and Marlins are all examples of Streamlined body shape fishes.

How is a seal streamlined?

Coz it wants to be

What is the shape of a leopard seal?

The shape of a stuffy

Does a seal live in the sea?

Yes, because they have streamlined bodies to help them move through the water quickly.

Why are seals bodies streamline?

Seals are streamlined to reduce the friction between it and the water around it, this allows the seal to dive. Streamlining also allows the seal to move faster through the water and change direction quickly to escape from predators or to hunt prey.

What is the function of a water seal?

To "seal water" out. Pun.

What is the function of seal fur?

It helps the seal to keep warm.

What shape are a seal's pupil?

A horizontal, rectangular oval shape.

What is the basic function of a cell?

The basic function of a Mesothelial cell is to act as a lining for body cavities. This type of cell helps seal fluids in these cavities and keep unwanted materials away.