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The formation of liquid water from water vapor is called condensation. This occurs when water vapor cools and changes back into liquid water, such as when moisture in the air condenses into droplets on a cold surface like a window or mirror.

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Q: What is a formation of liquid water from water vapor?
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What is formation of liquid water from water vapor?


What is the transformation of water vapor to liquid?

The transformation of water vapor to liquid is called condensation. This process occurs when water vapor cools down and changes its state from a gas to a liquid. Condensation is an important part of the water cycle and is responsible for the formation of clouds and precipitation.

What causes water vapor turn back into liquid?

Water vapor turns back into liquid through a process called condensation, which occurs when the air cools down and can no longer hold all of the water vapor it contains. This excess water vapor then forms tiny water droplets, leading to the formation of clouds or fog.

What occurs when water vapor changes to liquid water?

When water vapor (a gas) changes to liquid water, the process is known as condensation. When water vapor changes to liquid water the water molecules that were once in limited contact while in the gaseous phase become closer together resulting in increased intermolecular attractions and formation of water.

How is vapor water different from liquid water?

Water vapor is different from liquid water because water vapor is a gas, and liquid water is a liquid.

What substance undergo condensation?

Various substances can undergo condensation, including water vapor turning into liquid water, gas turning into solid (such as in the formation of frost), and the formation of clouds when water vapor condenses into tiny water droplets in the atmosphere.

When molecules of water vapor collide and stick together in the air?

This process is known as condensation, where water vapor changes into liquid water. When water vapor molecules collide in the air, they lose energy and come together to form liquid water droplets, resulting in the formation of clouds or fog.

What occurs when water vapor changes back into a liquid?

When water vapor changes back into a liquid, it is called condensation. This process happens when the air cools down and is no longer able to hold as much water vapor, causing the vapor to turn into liquid water droplets. Condensation is responsible for the formation of clouds, fog, and dew.

When water evaporates what gas does it become?

The reverse process is condensation, formation of a liquid.

What is the process of cloud formation called?

The process of cloud formation is called condensation. It occurs when warm air rises, expands, and cools, causing water vapor to condense into tiny water droplets or ice crystals, which then gather to form clouds.

Where does the energy from water vapor go?

The energy from water vapor can be released through condensation, where the vapor turns into liquid water and releases heat. This process can contribute to cloud formation, rain, or snow, helping to maintain Earth's water cycle.

How The procss of liquid ater changing into water vapor and entering the atmosphere is called?

The process of liquid water changing into water vapor and entering the atmosphere is called evaporation. This occurs when water molecules gain enough energy to break free from the liquid surface and rise into the air. Once in the atmosphere, the water vapor can contribute to the formation of clouds and precipitation.