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its called a population

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A community.

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Q: What is a ecosystem made up of different species called?
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What do you call rice field ecosystem?

The ecosystem that includes rice fields is called a paddy field ecosystem.

Is an ecosystem composed of only one community?

No, an ecosystem consists of all living organisms (biotic factors) interacting with each other and their physical environment (abiotic factors). A community is a group of interacting populations of different species within an ecosystem. So an ecosystem is made up of multiple communities.

Would you except to find greater biodiversity in natural ecosystem or human-made ecosystem such as farm or a garden explain your answer?

You would expect to find greater biodiversity in a natural ecosystem compared to a human-made ecosystem like a farm or garden. Natural ecosystems have evolved over time to support a wide variety of species and interactions, whereas human-made ecosystems are often more simplified and managed for specific purposes, which can lead to lower biodiversity.

What is the difference between a population community and an ecosystem?

A population is a single species within a specific geographical area. Geographical area can be literal (like a tide pool) or artificial (a 25'x25' plot of forest) depending on the study. A community is made up of all the individual animal species living within a specific geographical area. For example, in a tide pool the community would be the seastars, crabs, barnacles, algae, etc. An ecosystem is all the individual species living within a specific geographical area plus all abiotic(non-living) factors with which they interact. Using the tide pool example, an ecosystem includes all the animals above but also the seawater, rocks, minerals, wind, sunlight, etc.

How is a biofilm different from a multicellular organism?

A biofilm is a complex community of microorganisms living together on a surface and encased in a self-produced matrix, whereas a multicellular organism is a single individual composed of specialized cells organized into tissues and organs to carry out specific functions. Biofilms contain a mixture of different species working cooperatively, while multicellular organisms are made up of genetically identical cells that work together for the overall survival and function of the organism.

Related questions

An ecosystem is made of organisms from many different species living together in a region and connected by what?

D. all of the above

What is the top of the forest called?

The top of the forest is called the canopy. It is made up of the uppermost layer of trees and vegetation in a forest ecosystem. It provides shelter, food, and protection for many different species of plants and animals.

How is a community and ecosystem different?

The people who build

All of the populations of species that live and interact in an area?

An ecosystem is made up of all the populations of species that live and interact in a specific area. This includes plants, animals, and microorganisms, as well as the physical environment they inhabit. Ecosystems are characterized by the flow of energy and nutrients among the different organisms within them.

What do you call rice field ecosystem?

The ecosystem that includes rice fields is called a paddy field ecosystem.

What are the determiners of population densities?

mortality= deaths reproduction= more offspring being made immigration=species coming into a new ecosystem emigration= species leaving an ecosystem hope i helped ya

What is meant by the phrase a community of living things?

A community is made up of one or more species from various populations. Species of different populations develop dependencies such as food webs in a community. A community is simply a variation of species in one ecosystem... Lions and polar bares do not belong to the same community because they live in different ecosystems with different resources. With this, the phrase a community of living things simply means the variation of species in the same ecosystem competing for and sharing the same resources such as food and light. I hope this helps.

Is Biome made up of many ecosystem?

Yes, a biome is made up of many different ecosystems that share similar characteristics such as climate, vegetation, and animal species. Each ecosystem within a biome functions as a unique and interconnected system that plays a specific role in the overall biome.

An ecosystem is composed of?

The ecosystem consists of three main parts: the atmosphere (air), the lithosphere (land), and the hydrosphere (oceans).

Describe man made ecosystem?

A man-made ecosystem is an environment created or modified by humans to support specific plants, animals, or other organisms. This can include parks, gardens, agricultural fields, and even urban areas like cities. Man-made ecosystems often require human intervention to maintain ecological balance and sustainability.

What are the Himalayas mountains made of?

they are made of different species of rocks

What is it called when several species are made from one ancestral species?
