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The reproductive structure of a gymnosperm

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Q: What is a cone-bearing gymnosperm?
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What is a conebearing plant?

A conifer.

Is a cactus a gymnosperm or a angiosperm?

A Gymnosperm I think, How do you think I would know!!!!!!!! Gosh.!

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Is a conifer a angiosperm or gymnosperm?

Conifer is a gymnosperm

Is a cypress tree a gymnosperm or angiosperm?

it is a gymnosperm.

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Is a yew a gymnosperm or a angiosperm?

A yew tree is a gymnosperm

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is an elephant a angiosperm or a gymnosperm

Is the sugar maple a gymnosperm or a angioserm?

yes it is a gymnosperm.

Is Pines a gymnosperm?

yes, it's a gymnosperm and are in the Phylum Conifer

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