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The two most basic conditions needed for tornadoes to form are instability and wind shear. Instability occurs when the lower atmosphere is warm and moist and cools with increasing altitude; this is the source of energy for thunderstorms. The best condition for the powerful storms that spawn violent tornadoes is to have a highly unstable lower atmosphere capped by a layer of stable air. This layer allows instability to build underneath it until developing storms are able to punch through it and develop at explosive rates.

The other ingredient, wind shear, occurs when the speed and direction of the wind changes direction with altitude. The wind shear can give rise to helicity, or spiraling currents of air. This spiral motion then trnasfers tot he storms and starts them rotating. Tornadoes can then form from this rotation. Nearly all violent tornadoes develop from a kind of thunderstorm called a supercell, which has a distinct rotating updraft called a mesocyclone.

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Q: What is a combination of climate and weather conditions often result in violent tornadoes?
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What region of the US experiences violent tornadoes caused by the combination of climate and weather conditions?

Violent tornadoes have been recorded in most states east of the Rockies. However, most of the violent tornadoes occur on the Great Plains in the central part of the country.

How are tornadoes related to weather and climate?

Tornadoes are themselves violent weather events. They ar intense whirlwinds spawned by thunderstorms. Since tornadoes depend on certain weather conditions to develop, climate affects how often tornadoes occur in an area.

In which area does the combination of climate and weather conditions often result in violent tornadoes?

Tornadoes most frequently occur in an area known as Tornado Alley in the central part of the United States. This region, which includes parts of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska, experiences a unique combination of warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico colliding with cool, dry air from the Rocky Mountains, creating the conditions for severe thunderstorms and tornadoes to form.

How does climate change make tornadoes?

The common idea is that a warmer climate means that there will be more energy to power violent storms such as tornadoes. This view is grossly oversimplified. Weather and climate are very complex and difficult to predict. Scientists are still uncertain how climate change might affect tornadoes.

What year had the most violent tornadoes?

The year with the most violent tornadoes on record was 1974, with a total of 36 tornadoes rated as violent.

Why does England not have any tornadoes?

England does get tornadoes, however, the vast majority are weak and are unlikely to be reported beyond local news. The last significant tornado in England was an F2 that hit Birmingham in 2005. England is not prone to the violent tornadoes you often hear about in the United States because it has a rather cool climate. The storms that produce strong tornadoes generally need a supply of hot, humid air among other conditions.

Which of the 7 continents do the most violent tornadoes occur?

The most violent tornadoes generally occur in North America.

When do most violent tornadoes happen?

Most violent tornadoes (F4 and F5) occur in the months of March-June.

Are most tornadoes violent?

All tornadoes are considered a violent weather events in general terms. However, less than 1% of tornadoes attain a violent rating of EF4 or EF5 on the Enhanced Fujita scale.

Are 50 percent of tornadoes considered violent?

No, about 1% percent of tornadoes are rated as violent EF4 or EF5). About 75-80% of tornadoes are rated as weak (EF0 or EF1).

Are tornadoes calm?

No, tornadoes are not calm. They are violent, rotating columns of air that can cause significant destruction and are characterized by strong winds and intense atmospheric instability.

How does tornadoes relate to weather?

A tornado is a violent weather event the most violent in fact. Tornadoes are produce by thunderstorms and are, in simple terms, extremely violent rotating windstorms.