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A colored chemical compound that absorbs light is known as a pigment. Pigments can selectively absorb certain wavelengths of light, giving them their characteristic color. This absorption of light by pigments plays a key role in various biological processes, such as photosynthesis in plants.

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Q: What is a colored chemical compounds that absorb light?
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What is colored chemical compounds that absorbs light is?

Colored chemical compounds that absorb light are called pigments. Pigments selectively absorb certain wavelengths of light and reflect or transmit others, giving them their characteristic color. Common examples of pigments include chlorophyll in plants, hemoglobin in blood, and melanin in skin.

What are the colored chemical compounds in plants that absorb light?

The colored chemical compounds in plants that absorb light are called pigments. The main pigments responsible for absorbing light in plants are chlorophyll (green), carotenoids (orange and yellow), and anthocyanins (red, purple, and blue). These pigments play a crucial role in photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy.

What are colored chemical compounds that absorb sunlight?

Colored chemical compounds that absorb sunlight are known as pigments. These pigments absorb specific wavelengths of light and reflect or transmit others, giving them their characteristic color. Examples include chlorophyll, which appears green because it absorbs red and blue light, and carotenoids, which appear yellow, orange, or red.

What colored chemical compounds absorbs light?

Chlorophyll, which is green in color, absorbs light during the process of photosynthesis. Other examples include pigments like carotenoids (orange, yellow) and anthocyanins (red, purple), which also absorb light in plants. Additionally, transition metal complexes such as copper complexes can absorb light and appear colored.

What the colored chemical compound in plants that that absorbs light?

These compounds are known as photosynthetic pigments.

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What are colored chemical compounds that absorb light in plants?

the colored compounds in them are chloroplast and chlorophyll that are colored green and absorb light for the process of photosynthesis....

What is the colored chemical compounds that absorb light?


Are colored chemical compounds that absorb light?

the answer is pigments

What are colored chemical compounds that obsorb light in a plant?

Any colored chem. compounds absorb light. I think you are referring to chlorophyll.

Are colored chemical compounds that light?

_____ are colored chemical compounds that Osborb light

What is colored chemical compounds that absorbs light is?

Colored chemical compounds that absorb light are called pigments. Pigments selectively absorb certain wavelengths of light and reflect or transmit others, giving them their characteristic color. Common examples of pigments include chlorophyll in plants, hemoglobin in blood, and melanin in skin.

What are the colored chemical compounds in plants that absorb light?

The colored chemical compounds in plants that absorb light are called pigments. The main pigments responsible for absorbing light in plants are chlorophyll (green), carotenoids (orange and yellow), and anthocyanins (red, purple, and blue). These pigments play a crucial role in photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy.

What is a colered chemical compound that absorb light called?

colored chemical componds that absorb light called

What color chemicals compound in plants that absorb light?

the colored compounds in them are chloroplast and chlorophyll that are colored green and absorb light for the process of photosynthesis....

Colored chemical compounds that capture light energy are called .?

Colored chemical compounds that capture light energy are called pigments. These pigments absorb specific wavelengths of light and reflect or transmit others, resulting in the perception of color. They play a key role in processes such as photosynthesis and light absorption in electronic devices.

What colored chemical compounds that absorbs light?

the answer is pigments

What are colored chemical compounds that observe light called?
