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Its called antibiotics

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1mo ago

A chemical that is released by one organism to elicit a behavior in another organism is called a pheromone. Pheromones are signaling molecules that trigger a specific response in members of the same species. They play a role in various behaviors such as mating, territory marking, and alarm signaling.

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Q: What is a chemical that is released by one organisim to elicit a behavior in another organism called?
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Pheromones are chemical signals released by an organism to influence the behavior of others of the same species. Hormones are chemical substances produced by glands in the body that regulate various physiological processes. Pheromones are used for communication between individuals, while hormones regulate internal functions within an organism.

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An alarm substance is a chemical released by an organism in response to a threat or danger. It serves to communicate the presence of a predator or harm to other members of the species, triggering a response such as fleeing or defensive behavior.

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The heat generated during chemical work is usually released into the surrounding environment as a byproduct. This heat helps to maintain the organism's body temperature within a healthy range.

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The two physiological regulators of behavior are hormones and neurotransmitters. Hormones are chemical messengers released by endocrine glands that travel through the bloodstream to target cells, influencing behavior. Neurotransmitters are chemical substances released by neurons that transmit signals across synapses, affecting behavior.

When was Disturbing Behavior released?

Disturbing Behavior was released on 07/24/1998.

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The heat generated during chemical transport or mechanical work is typically released to the organism's surroundings, contributing to the organism's overall heat balance. This heat can be dissipated through processes such as convection, radiation, and evaporation to maintain the organism's internal temperature within an optimal range for biological processes.

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A neurotransmitter is a chemical messenger released from neurons that plays a key role in regulating behavior and activity in the brain. These molecules transmit signals across synapses, influencing various functions such as mood, cognition, and movement. Examples include dopamine, serotonin, and acetylcholine.

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Chemical energy is released during a chemical reaction.

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A synaptic cleft is the gap into which a chemical is released.