

Best Answer

A. Prokaryotes have a diverse set of energy sources

B. Prokaryotic cells are typically smaller than eukaryotic cells

C. Prokaryotic cells share certain features

1. Plasma membrane

2. Nucleoid containing DNA

3. Cytoplasn

a. Cytosol: water, dissolved ions, water-soluble macromolecules

b. Ribosomes: Synthesize protein

D. Some prokaryotic cells have specialized features

1. Cell walls

a. Located outside plasma membrane

b. Peptidoclycan

c. Not a major permeable barrier

d. Capsule: slime like coating outside cell-wall for protection in bacteria

2. Internal Membranes

a. Photosynthetic bacteria use internal membranes for energy-releasing reactions

3. Flagella and Pili

a. Flagella: Movement

b. Pili: adhere to other cells to exchange genetic material, food, protection

4. Cytoskeleton

a. Helical filaments composed of actin to maintain cell shape

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12y ago
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9y ago

they have simple systems and are single cellular

Nucleoid region and Usually unicellular
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10y ago

The characteristics of a prokaryotic cell are that they do not have any membrane-bound organelles. They also do not have their DNA contained in a nucleus.

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14y ago
  1. No nucleus
  2. Smaller than most eukaryotic
  3. Has ribosomes
  4. Has membrane
  5. No membrane-bound organelles
  6. unicellular
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11y ago

Prokaryotes do not have a membrane-bound nucleus or other membrane-bound organelles.

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11y ago

They do not have a nucleus.Also lack membranous organells.

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Q: What is a characteristics of prokaryotes?
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