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A cepheid (which take their name from prototypical stars in constellation Cepheus) is a type of star which varies or pulses over time. They are important to astronomy as they help establish a "standard candle" which helps in measurement of distance. The variation in brightness, size and spectrum is proportional to the density and size of the star; thus, the absolute magnitude can be calculated and the distance of a cepheid of a given luminance can be inferred from how quickly it changes. Hubble used this method to show that the "spiral nebulae" were in fact not close objects inside our galaxy but instead were distant galaxies.

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A Cepheid variable star is a type of pulsating star that changes in brightness over a set period of time. This change in brightness is directly related to the star's intrinsic luminosity, making Cepheids valuable for distance measurements in astronomy. They played a crucial role in determining the scale of the universe and are important for understanding the cosmos.

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"kpc" is the abbreviation for kilo-parsecs. One parsec is approximately equal to 3.26 light years, so one kpc would be about 3260 ly. In terms of the diameters of galaxies, we can at best come up with approximations. The distance to another galaxy is a matter of some conjecture, involving calculations of the relative brightness of "standard candle" stars, typically Cephid variable stars. As our understanding of the relationships between the mass, luminocity and the periodicity of a Cephid variable has evolved, our estimations of the distances has likewise changed.

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For the Moon they bounce a laser off it and time the return. For space its the change in the light spectrum, I think discovered by Halley. This is similar to the sound of a siren coming and going. This shift lead to the expanding universe theory.___________________________________________For things that aren't too far away, we can measure the parallax by measuring the precise angle to a star at one time, and measure the angle to the star 6 months later when the Earth is on the opposite side of the Sun. That gives us a baseline 2AU long, so we can use geometry to calculate the distance.For things farther away, there is a measure of guesswork involved. By measuring the light spectrum of the star, we can come close to figuring out how hot the star is, and if we know how hot it is, we can calculate how bright it really is. Compare the star's absolute magnitude (how bright it really is) to its visual magnitude (how bright it appears to be) and we can make a good estimate of how far away the star is.This is where an interesting class of stars called "Cephid Variables" come in. They get periodically brighter and dimmer on a regular basis. Astronomers have calculated a relationship between how bright this particular type of star is with the time that it takes to vary in brightness, so we can use these stars as a measuring stick to compare other stars.

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Variable stars, such as Cepheid variables, are important for determining distances to other galaxies. By studying the period-luminosity relationship of these stars, astronomers can accurately measure their distance from Earth. This helps in mapping the size and shape of our galaxy by providing reference points for the scale of the universe.

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