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Epithelial tissue

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Q: What is a cell with long fibers extending from the cell body?
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When a cell is not dividing chromosomes form long thin fibers?

These long thin fibers of DNA and protein are called chromatin. During cell division, the chromatin fibers condense and coil to form visible chromosomes. Chromosomes help organize and separate the genetic material during cell division.

What is an antonym for dendrite?

An antonym for dendrite is "axon". Axons are the long fibers of a neuron that transmit electrical impulses away from the cell body, while dendrites receive information and conduct it towards the cell body.

What is a muscle cell called?

The scientific name for a muscle cell is a myocyte. Myocytes are also sometimes called muscle fibers. They are long, tube shaped, cells that develop from myoblasts.

What carries messages away from the nerve cell body toward the synapse?

Axons carry messages away from the nerve cell body toward the synapse. These long fibers transmit electrical impulses and release neurotransmitters at the synapse to communicate with other cells.

What is the long-branched thread extending from the neurons body in the nervous system?


What it the name of the long cells that can stretch and contract in the body?

The name of the long cells that can stretch and contract in the body are called muscle fibers. These fibers make up our muscles and are responsible for movement and generating force in the body.

What are the longest cells in the human body and how long are they?

The longest cells are neurons (nerve cells) linking the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) to other parts of the body. For example, for every receptor cell in your feet, there is a sensory neuron extending from the foot to the base of the spine.

Through which part of the neuron does an impulse leave the cell?

An impulse leaves the neuron through the axon, which is a long projection that carries electrical signals away from the cell body to other neurons or cells.

Threadlike fibers found in the cell membrane?

The threadlike fibers in the cell membrane are called actin filaments. They are part of the cytoskeleton and play a key role in maintaining cell shape, cell movement, and cell division. Actin filaments are made up of actin proteins that polymerize to form long, thin fibers.

Are striated muscle cells are long and cylindrical?

Yes, striated muscle cells are long and cylindrical in shape. They are also known as muscle fibers and can be quite large, extending the length of the muscle they are part of. The striations result from the arrangement of protein filaments within the cell, giving it the ability to contract and generate force.

Complex carbohydrates such as what provide the body with long lasting energy?

startch and fibers

Which muscles with fibers run at an angle to the long axis of the body?
