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Q: What is a canyon on the ocean floor which the crust is bent downwards?
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A canyon on the ocean floor at which the crust bends downward is called?

A submarine canyon is a deep, steep-sided valley cut into the seabed of the continental slope, often formed by underwater currents. It can be a conduit for sediment transport from the shelf to the deep ocean.

Why the crust is thinner than the ocean floor?

The Earth's crust is thinner than the ocean floor because the oceanic crust is formed at mid-ocean ridges where heat from the mantle creates new crust through volcanic activity. This process creates younger, hotter, and thinner crust in the ocean compared to the older and thicker continental crust.

In which layer of the Earth is the ocean floor?

The ocean floor is located on the Earth's outermost layer called the crust. It is part of the crust that is covered by water, forming the ocean basins.

What crust makes up the ocean floor?

The ocean floor is mainly composed of basaltic crust known as oceanic crust. This crust is thinner and denser than continental crust and is formed through volcanic activity at mid-ocean ridges.

What is the type of crust formed on the ocean floor?

Oceanic crust, formed mostly of mafic rocks, or sima, is found on the ocean floor.

What is the deep canyon on the ocean floor is a?

The Mariana Trench.

which layer of the earth forms ocean floor?

Ocean Crust.

Is the ocean floor part of the crust?


What is a deep steep sided canyon in the ocean floor?


Portion of the earth's crust that lies beneath the ocean floor?

The portion of Earth's crust that lies beneath the ocean floor is called oceanic crust. It is thinner and denser than continental crust, primarily composed of basaltic rocks, and formed at mid-ocean ridges through volcanic activity.

What is the portion of the ocean floor that is made up of oceanic crust?

Approximately 60% of the ocean floor is made up of oceanic crust. Oceanic crust is typically thinner and denser than continental crust, and it forms at mid-ocean ridges through volcanic activity.

The ocean bottom is part of the crust?

sea floor