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Gravel made mostly of calcium carbonate, often in the form of limestone.

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3mo ago

A calcareous shell is a hard, protective outer covering made primarily of calcium carbonate, found in organisms such as mollusks, corals, and some types of algae. It serves to protect the organism from predators and harsh environmental conditions.

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11y ago

a shell that eats other shells

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Q: What is a calcareous shell?
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What do mollucks have in common?

Mollusks have a soft, unsegmented body and live in aquatic or damp habitats, and most kinds have an external calcareous shell.

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What are Amoebic organisms with calcareous shells called?

Amoebic organisms with calcareous shells are called Foraminifera. These single-celled organisms have a shell made of calcium carbonate and are found in marine environments. Their shells accumulate on the ocean floor and provide valuable information for studying past climates and environments.

What is an fact about calcareous sponge?

an example of calcareous sponge is SPONGE BOB!

Members of what mollusk class have an internal plate instead of a shell?

Members of the class Aplacophora are mollusks that have an internal plate instead of a shell. Aplacophorans lack a protective shell but possess calcareous spicules or scales in their skin. These marine mollusks are often found in deep sea environments.

A mollusk with one shell or none?

The mollusc (or mollusk) shell is typically a calcareous exoskeleton which encloses, supports and protects the soft parts of an animal in the phylum Molluscae, like snails, clams, tusk shells, and several other classes.

What are the holes in the ammonites shell?

The holes in ammonite shells are called aptychi, which are small, calcareous structures that acted as a cover for the opening in the shell where the soft parts of the animal protruded. Aptychi helped the ammonite regulate its buoyancy and control its position in the water column.

Is foraminifera an animal?

The foraminifers are unicellular organisms of the animal kingdom. Foraminifers are any of several large marine protozoans, of the subphylum Foraminifera, that have a calcareous shell with many holes through which pseudopodia protrude.

How do calcareous oozes form?

Calcareous oozes form when the calcium carbonate shells and skeletons of marine organisms, such as foraminifera and coccolithophores, accumulate on the ocean floor. Over time, these calcareous remains compact and cement together to form a sediment known as calcareous ooze.

What is a calcareous sponge?

A calcareous sponge is any of a variety of sponge of the class Calcarea, with skeletons composed of spicules of calcium carbonate.

Is not a hydrogenous sediment?

Calcareous ooze