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Q: What is a biotic factor that would be affected by a fire?
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Would periodic fires be a biotic factor for a chaparral biome?

Yes, periodic fires can be considered a biotic factor for a chaparral biome. These fires are often a natural part of the ecosystem, influencing plant diversity and promoting the growth of certain plant species with adaptations to fire. The plants and animals in the chaparral have evolved to withstand and even benefit from these fires.

How would forest animals be affected by a fire?

there would be less animals and thy all would die

What liquid affects fire the most?

A chemical fire would be affected by the amount of hydrogen in the mixture; in the open, oxygen effects the fire the most.

What are pibulls abiotic and biotic factors?

There are no such things as being abiotic or biotic. Either your a living organism (biotic) or your not (abiotic). For example tempurature is abiotic,,therefore it cannot be biotic, it is not a living thing. And a tree is a biotic factor,,therefore it cannot be alive as well as dead.

How is a moose affected by Fire?

Well if it doesnt get killed during the fire, it would possibly loose its grazing land and would have to move to a different range.

How would a fire forest fire affect biotic factors?

A forest fire can have a significant impact on biotic factors by directly causing mortality of plants and animals, altering habitats, and disrupting food webs. Some species may be lost, while others may benefit from increased resources or changes in habitat structure following the fire. Overall, forest fires can lead to changes in biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics.

What type of Pokemon affe ct Darkrai?

Darkrai cannot be affected by a Pokemon that would give it a super effective but he can be affected. yes he can get afected by water fire.

How would be life be affected without friction?

We would not be able to make our own fire, because of this we couldn't cook or eat properly. the only way we could get fire is by lighting strikes.

What type of abiotic factors do polar bears eat?

Abiotic and biotic factors of the bear itself or abiotic and biotic for the ecosystem?If for the ecosystem of a polar bear:Abiotic means nonliving. The abiotic factors for a polar bear would be for example; ice. Ice is nonliving along with water. without water the bear would get dehydrated.Biotic means living. The biotic factors for polar bears would be, for example, fish. This provides nutrients to the bear.

Are crystal gardens affected by fire?

yes they can be, if the fire is strong enough they can melt.

How are birds affected by forest fire?

they catch on fire and die a horrible burning death

What primary source document would give you insight into how the great Chicago fire affected working class families?

Newspapers from that time period, such as The Chicago Tribune, would provide firsthand accounts and insights into how the great Chicago fire affected working class families. Additionally, personal diaries or letters written by people who experienced the fire could also offer valuable perspectives on the impact on working class families.