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Q: What is a biological agent that cannot reproduce on its own?
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What are pathogens cannot reproduce on their own?


Different of animals and plants?

Plants cannot move while animals can. Plants cannot reproduce on their own while animals can. Plants require an agent of pollination to reproduce indirectly. Please, correct me if I'm wrong.

Are smaller than cells and cannot reproduce on their own?

plants or animals

Why is there no virus kingdom?

Viruses are not considered living organisms because they cannot carry out essential life processes on their own, such as reproduction and metabolism. They require a host cell to replicate and cannot exist independently. Therefore, they are not classified within traditional biological classification systems like kingdoms.

These pathogens cannot reproduce on their own and they must invade other cells to multiply?


Which microorganisns cannot multiply on their own?

Viruses require a host cell to multiply since they lack the cellular machinery needed for replication.

Are Viruses able to reproduce without using other organisms?

viruses are dormant when they are not inside a living cell. that means they don't have living characteristics when outside a living cell. they only reproduce when they are inside a living cell.

What are two ways that viruses do not act like living things?

Viruses cannot carry out metabolic processes on their own since they lack cellular machinery. Additionally, they cannot reproduce independently and rely on host cells to replicate.

Why is it difficult to classify virus?

Viruses have unique characteristics that differ from other living organisms. They are not made up of cells, do not have a metabolism, and cannot reproduce on their own. This makes it challenging to classify them within traditional biological classification systems designed for living organisms.

Why do bacteria grow on gelatin in a peri dish and viruses cannot grow in this manner?

Because viruses are considered nonliving and they need a host to reproduce, therfore they cannot live on their own. Now bacteria can reproduce asexually, so they can get bigger and do not need a host..

Why are viruses difficult to place in the category of living things?

Viruses are technically not living because they cannot reproduce without a host cell, they cannot move on their own, and they have no organeles.

What circumstances can viruses reproduce?

Viruses can reproduce inside host cells by hijacking the cellular machinery to make copies of themselves. They cannot replicate on their own and require a host organism to reproduce.