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Q: What is The range of motion around specific joints is?
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Is Flexibility joint specific?

Yes, flexibility is joint specific and refers to the range of motion in a particular joint or group of joints. Different joints in the body have varying natural ranges of motion and can be improved through stretching and mobility exercises.

Function of the joints?

To allow for and prevent movement in a specific range of motion depending on the shape and orientation of the joint surface.

Which joint type has the smallest range of motion?

The hinge joint has the smallest range of motion compared to other types of joints, such as ball-and-socket or pivot joints. Hinge joints, like the elbow and knee, primarily allow movement in one plane, limiting their range of motion to flexion and extension.

Demonstrates the possible range of motion of muscles joints and ligaments.?


What is the range of motion of a gliding joint?


What is a ball-and-socket joint for?

Ball-and-socket joints allow a wider range of motion than hinge joints.

Is the ability to move joints and muscles through a full range of motion?

Hyper-flexible joints and their attaching ligaments.

What joint types has the smallest range of motion?

Gliding joints have the smallest range of motion among joint types. They allow bones to slide past each other but have limited movement compared to other types of joints like hinge or ball-and-socket joints.

How are your ankles and wrist the same?

They are both pivot joints that have a good range of motion.

What demonstrates the possible range of motion of muscles joints and ligaments.?


Does range of motion need to be measured separately for each joint?

Yes, range of motion should generally be measured separately for each joint because different joints have their own specific limitations and movement patterns. Assessing range of motion individually can provide more accurate and detailed information about joint mobility and potential issues.

What is a functional classification of joints and applies to joints that allow a wide range of motion?

A synovial joint is a functional classification that applies to joints that allow a wide range of motion. These joints are characterized by the presence of a joint cavity filled with synovial fluid, which reduces friction and allows for smooth movement. Examples include the shoulder and hip joints.