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Q: What is The net gain of energy in glucose's from one molecule of glucose is?
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After one glucose molecule goes through glycolysis how many net ATP are produced?

Two, net.

How many ATP molecules are gained?

During glycolysis, a net gain of two ATP molecules is produced per glucose molecule. In the citric acid cycle, a total of 2 ATP molecules are produced per glucose molecule. Finally, during oxidative phosphorylation, approximately 34 ATP molecules are produced per glucose molecule through the electron transport chain. This results in a total of about 38 ATP molecules gained per glucose molecule during cellular respiration.

How many ATP molecules are produced per molecule of glucose are degraded during glycolisis?

During glycolysis, 2 ATP molecules are produced per molecule of glucose degraded. Additionally, 2 NADH molecules are also generated, which can be used to produce more ATP in subsequent steps of cellular respiration.

How many ATP molecules are produced from one glucose molecule in gylcolsis?

In anaerobic respiration one glucose molecule produces a net gain of two ATP molecules (four ATP molecules are produced during glycolysis but two are required by enzymes used during the process). In aerobic respiration a molecule of glucose is much more profitable in that a net worth of 34 ATP molecules are generated (32 gross with two being required in the process).

Approximately what percentage of the energy of glucose is transferred to storage in ATP as a result of the complete oxidation of glucose to CO2 and water in cellular respiration?

Approximately 34% of the energy from the complete oxidation of glucose is transferred to storage in ATP molecules during cellular respiration. The rest of the energy is released as heat.

Related questions

Where is the energy in a glucose moleclue stored?

The energy in a glucose molecule is primarily stored in the chemical bonds between its carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. When these bonds are broken during cellular respiration, energy is released and can be used by cells to perform various functions.

Can oxidized molecule gain energy?

No, an oxidized molecule has already lost electrons and is in a lower energy state. In order to gain energy, a molecule would need to be reduced by gaining electrons.

What During glycolysis what overall gain of ATP per glucose molecule?

During glycolysis, the overall gain of ATP per glucose molecule is 2. While glycolysis produces 4 ATPs, it uses 2 ATPs in the process.

During glycolysis what is the overall gain of the ATP per glucose molecule?

During glycolysis, the overall gain of ATP per glucose molecule is 2. While glycolysis produces 4 ATPs, it uses 2 ATPs in the process.

What During glycolysis what is the overall gain of ATP per glucose molecule?

During glycolysis, the overall gain of ATP per glucose molecule is 2. While glycolysis produces 4 ATPs, it uses 2 ATPs in the process.

How many ATP molecules are produced per molecule of glucose are degraded during glycolisis?

During glycolysis, 2 ATP molecules are produced per molecule of glucose degraded. Additionally, 2 NADH molecules are also generated, which can be used to produce more ATP in subsequent steps of cellular respiration.

How many molecules of ATP can a cell gain from the respiration of a single glucose molecule?


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After one glucose molecule goes through glycolysis how many net ATP are produced?

Two, net.

What happens to a cell when you add glucose?

When you add glucose to a cell, it can be used for energy production through cellular respiration. Glucose is broken down into smaller molecules in a series of metabolic reactions to generate ATP, the primary energy currency of the cell. This process provides the necessary energy for cellular functions and activities.

How much energy does glycolysis produce?

Glycolysis produces a net gain of 2 ATP molecules and 2 NADH molecules per glucose molecule. Each ATP molecule provides about 7.3 kilocalories of energy.

How many ATP molecules are gained?

During glycolysis, a net gain of two ATP molecules is produced per glucose molecule. In the citric acid cycle, a total of 2 ATP molecules are produced per glucose molecule. Finally, during oxidative phosphorylation, approximately 34 ATP molecules are produced per glucose molecule through the electron transport chain. This results in a total of about 38 ATP molecules gained per glucose molecule during cellular respiration.