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Professor Stephen Hawking famously proposed that black holes interact thermodynamically with the universe, and can emit a weak radiation, which takes his name (Hawking radiation). One explanation is that quantum fluctuations near the event horizon can produce virtual particle pairs which, when boosted by gravity, can become real particles that effectively radiate energy away from the black hole and thus gradually reduce its mass. By this mechanism, black holes could eventually shrink and evaporate entirely.

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Q: What is Stephen Hawkins black hole theory?
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What is the black hole theory called?

The theory describing black holes is known as general relativity, developed by Albert Einstein. It explains how the massive gravitational force at the core of a black hole warps space and time to create a region from which not even light can escape.

How do you esacape a black hole Stephen hawking?

Most people think that if you enter a black hole, then it's bye-bye forever.But Stephen Hawking proposed that after a black hole is shooting out tiny bits of radiation, called Hawking radiation. If you waited long enough, by the time that the black hole disappears, most, if not all of the atoms that used to be you would be flying around in space.

Where were black holes discovered?

1916, Albert Einstein came up with the theory about Black Hole.

Does a black hole ever get full?

According to current theory, a black hole, if it exists, begins its life full,and nothing that falls into it ever leaves it.

Who is a black hole scientist that is disabled?

Professor Stephen Hawking is probably the most famous disabled scientist having contributed significantly to black hole theory; he suffers from symptoms matching those of ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) which keeps him confined to a wheelchair.

Related questions

What is stephen hawking's black hole theory?

The possibility of black holes was known before Stephen Hawking. Stephen Hawking's contribution to the theory was mainly that a black hole would gradually evaporate, due to certain quantum effects that occur close to the black hole's event horizon.

What impact did Stephen hawking's black hole theory have on people's lives?

people now know more about the black hole.

What does Stephen W Hawking say holds light inside black holes in 'The Illustrated Theory of Everything'?

It is the strength of the gravitational attraction of the singularity which is the black hole.

How did Stephen hawking find a black hole?

Actually he didn't.

If something ges sucked into a black hole will it come out of the other end?

The current theory by Stephen Hawking is that black holes slowly "evaporate" over time; so if you are sucked into a black hole you are crushed to microscopic size and held in the black hole; and then billions of years later the elemental particles elements that were you are released back into space to be re-used for something else.

Do black hole suck the sun?

In theory, yes, a black hole could suck up the sun.

Are black hole common?

A black hole? well scientist are not sure. Black holes is a theory, not proving to be true. But there could be.

How does Stephen Hawking's theory of the black hole affect us today?

Stephen Hawking's theory of black holes has greatly advanced our understanding of these mysterious phenomena. It has influenced research in astrophysics and helped reveal new insights into the nature of space and time. Additionally, his work has sparked new ideas and avenues for studying the fundamental laws of the universe.

Did Stephen hawking's go to High school?

Stephen Hawking sent his high school into a black hole

What is the black hole theory called?

The theory describing black holes is known as general relativity, developed by Albert Einstein. It explains how the massive gravitational force at the core of a black hole warps space and time to create a region from which not even light can escape.

Who predicted that black hole should emit radiation?

Stephen Hawking is the man!

How do you esacape a black hole Stephen hawking?

Most people think that if you enter a black hole, then it's bye-bye forever.But Stephen Hawking proposed that after a black hole is shooting out tiny bits of radiation, called Hawking radiation. If you waited long enough, by the time that the black hole disappears, most, if not all of the atoms that used to be you would be flying around in space.