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Q: What is Orbital diagram for P?
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What is the correct orbital diagram for sulfur?

The correct orbital diagram for sulfur can be represented as: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4. This indicates that sulfur has two electrons in the 1s orbital, two in the 2s orbital, six in the 2p orbital, two in the 3s orbital, and four in the 3p orbital.

What is the Fullform of s-orbital p-orbital d-orbital and f-orbital?

The orbital names s, p, d, and fstand for names given to groups of lines in the spectra of the alkali metals. These line groups are called sharp, principal, diffuse, and fundamental.

What is the orbital diagram for germanium?

The orbital diagram for germanium (Ge) shows its electron configuration as [Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p2. This means that germanium has 2 electrons in its 4p orbital, 2 electrons in its 4s orbital, and 10 electrons in its 3d orbital.

Why is the s orbital fill before the p orbital?

The s orbital fills before the p orbital because it has lower energy, and is more stable.

What is shape of a p orbital?

The shape of a p orbital is like a dumbbell-shaped. P orbital shapes depends on the quantum numbers affiliated with an energy state.

What is the full form of p orbital?

A full p orbital contains 6 electrons.

What is a molecular orbital diagram?

An orbital diagram is used to show how the orbitals of a subshell areoccupied by electrons. The two spin projections are given by arrowspointing up (ms =+1/2) and down (ms = -1/2). Thus, electronicconfiguration 1s22s22p1 corresponds to the orbital diagram:

How many electrons does oxygen have in the p orbital?

Oxygen has 2 electrons in the p orbital. Each p orbital can hold a maximum of 6 electrons, with 3 orbitals available in the p sublevel.

How does an orbital diagram to show the electron configuration for a neutral magnesium atom look?

For a neutral magnesium atom, the orbital diagram would show two electrons in the 1s orbital, two electrons in the 2s orbital, and six electrons in the 2p orbital, following the Aufbau principle and Hund's rule. This configuration can be represented as 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 in the electron configuration notation.

What is the orbital filling diagram for C?

The orbital filling diagram for carbon (C) is 1s^2 2s^2 2p^2. This indicates that the carbon atom has 2 electrons in the 1s orbital, 2 electrons in the 2s orbital, and 2 electrons in the 2p orbital.

What is the name of each orbital?

The four types of orbitals are s, p, d, and f. The s orbital is spherical, the p orbital is dumbbell-shaped, the d orbital is cloverleaf-shaped, and the f orbital is complex in shape.