The nanometer has the symbol nm. It is a unit of length equivalent to a billionth of a meter. The prefix nano is from the ancient Greek and metre is from Greek. It is often used to look at atomic scale measurements as they are very small.
The range of wavelengths that are visible is approximately 400 nm to 600 nm. A nm is a nanometer, one billionth of a meter. Blue light is in the 400 nm range, yellow light in the 500 nm range and red light in the 600 nm range.
The peaks of the emission from the ionized vaporof mercury are:-- 184.5 nm . . . UV-C-- 253.7 nm . . . UV-C-- 365.4 nm . . . UV-A-- 404.7 nm . . . violet-- 435.8 nm . . . blue-- 546.1 nm . . . green-- 578.2 nm . . . yellow-orange.The quantum wavelength of the lamp itself is much shorter than any of those.
The symbol for nanometer is nm. It is a unit of length equal to one billionth of a meter.
The SI unit equivalent to Nm is Joule (J).
The nanometer has the symbol nm. It is a unit of length equivalent to a billionth of a meter. The prefix nano is from the ancient Greek and metre is from Greek. It is often used to look at atomic scale measurements as they are very small.
No it is not. nm is the Institute for Standards abbreviation for nanometer. According to the International Maritime Organization's "GUIDELINES FOR THE PRESENTATION OF NAVIGATION-RELATED SYMBOLS, TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS" (T2-OSS/2.7.1), the abbreviation for the Nautical Mile is NM.
New Mexico
MT is the abbreviation for Montana.
Santa fe is located in New Mexico, so the abbreviation is NM.
The US state with the postal abbreviation of NM is New Mexico.
The abbreviation for the units of measure of wavelengths of light is "nm" which stands for nanometers.
ANSWER:The standard two letter abbreviation for the state of New Mexico is NM. The abbreveation for Mexico is MX.
nothing much go on msn and ask
The abbreviation for nanometer is "nm". No Greek letters are used in this case.
Santa Fe is located in New Mexico, so the state abbreviation would be NM.