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Q: What is GPS earth moving equipment?
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What type of technology is used in mining?

Large earth moving equipment, explosives, drilling equipment, tunneling equipment, etc.

Why are gps data not enough to confirm that the earth's surface has been moving for many years?

GPS data only measure relative movements between GPS receivers on the Earth's surface; they do not directly measure the movement of the Earth's surface with respect to the deeper layers. To understand long-term movements, geologists use additional techniques like studying the geological record, tectonic plate movements, and other geodetic data to determine the history of the Earth's surface movements over time.

what wholesale stores sale gps at wholesale prices?

There are varied wholesalers who sell GPS equipment. China Wholesale Electronics is one wholesaler of GPS equipment. Four Seasons Genenal Merchandise is another wholesaler of GPS equipment. Wholesale Source One is another source for GPS's

Where can I obtain gsm GPS tracking equipment?

You can obtain GPS tracking equipment at your local stores. You can research various types of GPS system on the internet and ask your friends about their GPS system and find out how they like theirs.

Why is GPS data not enough to confirm that the earth's surface has been moving for many years?

Because GPS has not been available for that many years. GPS data IS enough to confirm that a point on the Earth's surface has moved since the GPS unit was installed there. Some very exciting work in seismology and vulcanology is being done exactly that way, right now.

What is earth moving equipment?

Earth moving equipment includes machinery used for digging, moving, and shaping the earth's surface, such as excavators, bulldozers, and loaders. These machines are commonly used in construction, mining, and infrastructure projects to clear land, excavate foundations, and transport materials.

You can uses the forklift to move large earth moving equipment tires?

If they fit safely on the forks.

How do you define earth moving equipment?

Earthmoving equipment is used in the construction industry to shift large amounts of earth, dig foundations and landscape areas. Types of earthmoving equipment include hydraulic excavators, bulldozers, compressors and loaders.

What equipment do scientists use to study turtles?

GPS devises

Who made the most GPS equipment and technology in 2000?

Trimble Navigation was one of the leading companies producing GPS equipment and technology in the year 2000. Other key players during that time included Garmin and Magellan.

Is GPS cradle worth the money?

This depends on if you are in the market for a way to mount and stabilize your GPS device. This is a great way to mount your GPS in a moving automobile or vehicle.

What equipment do they use to measure long distance?

An odometer for measuring long walkable distance. Long distances on the earth are probably best measured by geographical positioning systems (GPS).