

What is Cell speciation?

Updated: 5/26/2024
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10y ago

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  • wheb parts of the cell differentiate and develope rolls and ability to perform particular functions within the organism, you're welcome! ;)
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1mo ago

Cell speciation refers to the development of distinct types of cells from a common ancestor cell. It involves the differentiation of cells through genetic and environmental cues, resulting in specialized functions and characteristics. This process is essential for the formation and functioning of complex multicellular organisms.

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Why does polyploidy not cause speciation or even be associated with speciation?

Actually it is.

Speciation without geographic isolation is called what?

Speciation without geographic isolation is called sympatric speciation. This type of speciation occurs when new species evolve from a common ancestor in the same geographic area. It is often driven by other factors such as ecological or reproductive isolation.

How is symatric speciation similar to allpatric speciation?

Both sympatric and allopatric speciation involve the formation of new species through the genetic isolation of populations. In both cases, reproductive barriers develop that prevent gene flow between populations, leading to divergence and eventually the formation of separate species. The key difference between the two is that sympatric speciation occurs within the same geographic area, while allopatric speciation involves speciation due to geographic isolation.

Process in which isolated populations of the same species become new species is called?

This process is called speciation. It occurs when isolated populations evolve independently, accumulating different genetic changes, ultimately leading to the formation of new species that are unable to interbreed.

What is believed to be the dominant mode of speciation among most groups of organisms?

The dominant mode of speciation among most groups of organisms is allopatric speciation. This occurs when populations of a species become geographically isolated from each other and over time, genetic and environmental differences accumulate, leading to the formation of distinct species.

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Speciation caused by change in the course of a river is an example pf divergent speciation?

Allopatric speciation.

Types of Speciation?

sympatric , allopatric and parapatric speciation

What is necessary for speciation to occur?

Isolation Is necessary for speciation to occur.

Why does polyploidy not cause speciation or even be associated with speciation?

Actually it is.

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if you are referring to the the worksheet the evolution of living things from the textbook holt science and technology, the answer is speciation

Which type of speciation occurred among galapagos islands finches?

allopatric speciation

What is the accepted theory of speciation?

Caralous linnaeus theory is accepted theory of speciation

What type of speciation requires a geographic barrier?

Alopatric speciation. " Other country. "

Which type of speciation occurs among the Galapagos islands finches?

allopatric speciation

How is sympatric speciation similar allopatric speciation?

They both are mechanisms by which new species arise

The emergence of new species when a population becomes geographically isolated is termed what?

This concept is called allopactric speciation.