

What is CAT in Meteorology?

Updated: 12/6/2022
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Q: What is CAT in Meteorology?
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What causes meteorology?

Meteorology is not something that can be caused. Meteorology is the study of weather.

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Why would anybody want to study meteorology?Meteorology is all to do with the weather.

What is studied in meteorology?

Weather and Climate are studied in meteorology.

What is the connection between weather and meteorology?

Meteorology is the study of weather.

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In meteorology, convection is warm air rising.

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Meteorology is part of Earth and Space Science.

How do you you you you forecast a hurricane would be included in this scientific discipline?

Meteorology :)

How does meteorology affect the environment?

Meteorology does not affect the environment in any way

What does the word meteorology mean?

Meteorology is the the study of motions and phenomena of the atmosphere.

What are the branches of meteorology?

The branches of meteorology include synoptic meteorology (study of large-scale weather patterns), climatology (study of long-term weather patterns), atmospheric science (study of the Earth's atmosphere), and meteorological instrumentation (study of tools used to measure atmospheric conditions).

When was International Journal of Meteorology created?

International Journal of Meteorology was created in 1975.

When was Boundary-Layer Meteorology created?

Boundary-Layer Meteorology was created in 1971.