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Q: What is A permanent change that can not be undone?
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What does irrevesible mean?

Irreversible means something that cannot be undone or reversed. It signifies a permanent change or condition that cannot be changed back to its original state.

How do you undo the undone?

you can not because the undone is already undone...............

Is ombre hair permanent?

yes, it lighten your hairs lighten hairs is permnent can not be undone

How can you remove your hair permanent?

Probably go to the salon and get it undone. By a professional, you don't want your hair falling out or anything.

Is dissolving salt in water a a chemical change or a physical change?

It is a physical change as it can be "undone" by evaporating the water. An simple example of a chemical change is baking a cake, you can't un-bake a cake. To work out whether it is a chemical or physical change just think whether it can be undone or not.

Can a physical change be undone why or why not?

Yes, a physical change can be undone because it does not involve a change in the chemical composition of the substance. Reversing physical changes typically involves applying an opposite force or condition to restore the original state of the matter, such as melting and freezing or evaporating and condensing.

Is frezzing water a chemical change or physical change?

Freezing water is a physical change. It can be undone. In all situations, ask yourself if the substance can be undone. If the substance can be undone then it is undergoing a physical change. Freezing the water is only changing its phase, therefore it is only experiencing a physical change.

Exameple of a physical change and a chemical change?

A physical change is a change that can be undone. A chemical change cannot be undone. An example of this would be dissolving salt in water. This is a physical change because if you let the water in the container evaporate the salt will be left behind. A chemical change would be like burning a piece of wood since you cannot undo the change taking place to the wood.

What does mean there is nothing permanent except change?

Its simple. Nothing is permanent except change; Nothing in life is permanent, nothing will always be there except change. No matter what you do, life and the world around it will always change. But nothing else is permanent. The only thing that lasts forever is change.

How do you get spell undone?

Undone is correct.

Dissolving sugar in lemon water is physical or chemical?

Physical change- it can be undone by evaporating the water.

Is iron rust a physical or a chemical change?

Chemical change, because it cannot be reversed/ cannot be undone Iron rusting is a chemical change (Oxidization) the elements iron and oxygen form a molecular bond to form a compound known as Iron oxide (Rust). this reaction can be undone as is done with iron ore.