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Mercury venus earth mars

The inner solar system?

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1mo ago

The term "Inner Planets" is often used as a nickname for the four planets closest to the sun in our solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

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14y ago

A nickname for four planets near the sun is inner planets

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14y ago

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

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Q: What is A nickname for four planets near the sun?
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What is the nickname for the four planets closest to the sun?

something how should i know

How are planets near the sun different from the planets father away?

Because planets near the sun are more hotter

What are they called the four planets closer to the sun?

"The Inner Planets" is the common term for the four planets closest to our sun.

The first four planets found closest to the sun are called?

The first four planets found closest to the sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

How do planets farther from the sun differ from that planets that are closer to the sun?

The four outer planets are gas giants - they are much larger than the four inner planets, and they consist mainly of gas - they don't have a surface on which you can stand.

What four planets closest to the sun are called the inner planets?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are the four planets closest to the sun and are referred to as the inner planets in our solar system.

What are the four planets closets to the sun?

the first 4 planets near the sun are called the inner planets or the terrestrial planets as they are made of rocks. the outer planets (jupiter, uranus, neptune and pluto) are called the outer planets or the jovian planets.. theis is because they are made up of liquids/gases.... hope it helped! thanx!! :)

Is mercury a gas or a rocky terrestrial?

Mercury is a rocky planet. The inner planets (first four planets from the sun) are rocky planets (which means that you could stand on them) and are the smallest. While the outer planets (last four planets from the sun) are gas planets and the biggest.

Is Mercury a giant or a rocky terrestrial?

Mercury is a rocky planet. The inner planets (first four planets from the sun) are rocky planets (which means that you could stand on them) and are the smallest. While the outer planets (last four planets from the sun) are gas planets and the biggest.

Which of the four planets travels fastest in its orbit around the sun?


Of the four planets closest to the sun which is the largest?

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It is not one of the four closest planets to the sun, but rather the fifth planet from the sun. The four planets closest to the sun are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

How many planets are closer to the Sun than Jupiter?

There are four planets closer to the Sun than Jupiter: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.