Pacific standard Time is 8 hours earlier than GMT. 7:30 AM GMT is 11:30 PM Pacific standard Time the day prior to the current day.
California is Pacific Time, GMT-8.
To calculate GMT from Pacific Time, subtract 8 hours. For example, if it is 12:00 PM Pacific Time, the equivalent time in GMT would be 8:00 PM.
2300 GMT is 3:00 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST).
7 am, Pacific Standard Time 8 am, Pacific Daylight Time (from mid-March through early November)
At 12:30 PDT it's 19:30 GMT, and at 12:30 PST it's 20:30 GMT.
California is Pacific Time, GMT-8.
To calculate GMT from Pacific Time, subtract 8 hours. For example, if it is 12:00 PM Pacific Time, the equivalent time in GMT would be 8:00 PM.
2300 GMT is 3:00 PM Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Pacific Standard (or Pacific Daylight) is the farthest west. From East to West, the standard time zones in the US are: Eastern Standard (GMT -5), Central Standard (GMT -6), Mountain Standard (GMT -7), Pacific Standard (GMT -8).
7 am, Pacific Standard Time 8 am, Pacific Daylight Time (from mid-March through early November)
The U.K. is 8 hours ahead of Pacific Time. So, 11:59 AM Pacific Time is 7:59 PM GMT (Greenwich Mean Time, the time zone that the UK is on), and 11:59 PM Pacific Time is 7:59 AM GMT.
At 12:30 PDT it's 19:30 GMT, and at 12:30 PST it's 20:30 GMT.
11am PCT is 7pm GMT. This is because Pacific Time (PCT) is 8 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
11 AM Australian Central Daylight Saving Time = 12:30 AM GMT 11 AM Australian Central Standard Time = 1:30 AM GMT 11 AM Central Indonesian Time = 3 AM GMT 11 AM Central Africa Time and Central European Summer Time = 9 AM GMT 11 AM Central European Time = 10 AM GMT 11 AM American Central Daylight Saving Time = 4 PM GMT 11 AM American Central Standard Time = 5 PM GMT
Pacific Standard from GMT is -8 hours. So 04.00am Pacific when 12.00 noon Greenwich London. Pacific Daylight saving time is thus 7 Hours behind Greenwich Mean Time - but still 8 hours behind British Summer Time.
There is an 8 hour time difference between GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and PST (Pacific Standard Time).